𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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"I can't believe that I'm holding you like this

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"I can't believe that I'm holding you like this. And I can kiss you like that..."


My eyes opened as I heard my alarm go off. "Mmm" I mumbled trying to look for my clock with my eyes still closed. Once my hands threw the clock on the wall, I realized— I'm in my room. I sat up straight and looked around my room and then at the bed. Tom is not here. Does he regret this already? When did he bring me here? And why did he?

And where is he?

I quickly put my feet on the ground to run downstairs or even to his room to see if he's here. No— take a bath! I grabbed my towel and went to shower. Standing in front of the mirror, I traced my fingertips to all the red-purple marks on my body. Tom saw these. He saw where Miles hit me.

The scars that I tried so hard to hide, were now in the open. They were now in his mind. They were a topic of discussion for him. They might be the reason I'm in my bed and not his.

I shook my head and turned on the shower to the left and let the cold water run out first. I felt the steam from the hot water fill up the space making me hop in.

After a hot yet a not-so-calming shower, I headed downstairs. No noise. You could literally hear a pin drop. I was afraid to call out his name but I did, "Tom?" I waited for a short second, no response.

"Hello?" I asked again, "Guess he's not here" I talked to myself and headed to the kitchen. To divert my mind from him, or what happened last night, or how he left me in my bed, or how it started on this couch and how the plates of food we had for dinner were still there, I made breakfast and started cleaning the house.


"Why wouldn't you clean?!" I yelled at the piece of furniture, scrubbing it with my cloth. "Maybe because you didn't take any solution on your cloth?" I flinched as I heard his voice. "Oh, Tom!" I said, all flustered and quickly stood up, only to bump my head into the door of the cabinet that I left open.

"Oh, oh!" He quickly came to me and rubbed the part where I got hurt. "You okay, darling?" He asked making me nod as I closed my eyes from the bump. "Yeah, yeah" I said standing up straight. He looked at me, his eyes meeting mine. His darting to my lips and instantly making him smile.

He leaned towards me for a kiss but I pulled away. He seriously doesn't think we're gonna hook up again, right? He furrowed his eyebrows, "You didn't get my message" He realized as I looked at him in confusion.

"What message?" I asked making him pull his phone out. "I sent you a text?" He half asked half said. He looked at his phone and his eyebrows dropped, "I didn't hit send" He looked at me, "I'm very sorry that I made you think that this was— Oh my god!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him.

"It never was that. I have been waiting to get with you, ever since I joined you in my live" He said smiling a little, "I can't believe that I'm holding you like this. And I can kiss you like that..." His lips kissed my jaw, "And I can call you anytime of the day without Miles picking it up and telling me you're busy" He rolled his eyes at me and his eyes darted to a bruise.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his eyes saddening a little, "I would've done something, I could've taken you out of that hellhole!" I shook my head, "That's fine, I... I mean, not fine but it's embarrassing" I said moving out of his grasp.

"Embarrassing?" He scoffed, "It was not embarrassing. You know what was for them? When you confronted them in front of the whole world!" He smirked, "I loved when you did that! Putting him in his place" He said as I sighed.

"Though I was skeptical to come to your house. But I'm happy—"

"Why were you skeptical?" I asked folding my hands over my chest, "Because you said this was because of me. I thought you were angry at me" He pulled me to the couch. "Angry— what are you talking about?"

"Remember you said, after you received the award and came to my table?" His eyebrows furrowed, "Oh, my God!" I hit his arm, "I kept the award on your table and said "This was because of you!"" I explained but he interrupted me, "Exactly!!"

"Tom, the award was because of you?" I enunciated correctly, "Oh?" I shook my head, "We need to communicate better if we're going to make this work" I said walking to the kitchen. "You... you wanna get together?" He asked making me stare at him.

"Uh, no. I just slept with you last night cause you're so hot!" I said sarcastically making him roll his eyes. "No, no!" He grabbed my hands as I started cooking. "Lemme! I mean you cleaned my whole house—"

"There's still some left!"

He kissed me on the lips. "Let me cook and you can rest"


After an hour of hearing utensils banging in the kitchen and yelling from Tom, "You're not allowed in today!" "You did enough for me!" "Let me do this for you!", I patiently waited for him to finish making dinner. "Dinner's ready!" He yelled again from the kitchen.

Before he could come out of the kitchen with two servings, I ran to the kitchen and sat on the small dining aisle. "Ohh! Sure, we can have dinner here!" He placed a plate of pasta in front of me making me giggle. "No! No!" He pulled the plate away from me, "Baby, that has broccoli in it!"


"I know you don't like it and that you are deathly allergic and unless I plan to kill you, don't eat it!" He said and placed another plate in front of me. "How did you know I'm deathly allergic?" I asked looking at him and he paused in his seat, "Um, you told me"

I didn't.

"Yeah, I keep forgetting" I let it slide and took a bite out of the plate. "How is it?" He asked as I found it difficult to chew. Bad. "Great!"

I closed my eyes as another flashback ran through my mind. 

Deja vu.

"You're lying!" He said as I shook my head. "No, I'm not!" I said as he cleverly took a bite out of his plate because he knew I would snatch mine. He sighed sadly, "Oh, my God, how can you eat that?!" He pulled the plate to him and threw it in the sink. "I wanted to do something for you!" He whined making me giggle, "You did, baby!" I placed myself in his lap, "It's the thought that counts!" I pecked his cheek.

"Let's order from Mrs. Perry's" I mumbled grabbing my phone.

"And I know what we can do meanwhile!" He winked as I rolled my eyes.

Horny ass man!


OH MY GOD!!!! MY LAST UPDATE WAS IN OCTOBER!!!! I'm sorry, lovelies! I don't get much time but sadly we are almost to the end of it and a few more chapters and the book will be done! Thank you for sticking with me and still reading the stories! 


HEIMAT || A D.M & T.F FANFIC ||Where stories live. Discover now