𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"Isn't he your boyfriend?"

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"Isn't he your boyfriend?"


"Harmonia Nectere Passus" I smiled as Draco tried it for a first time. I stood next to him as he said the spell again. He looked down at me and squinted his eyes, "What?" He asked and turned to the cabinet. "I'm just watching you work" I said looking up at him, noticing his sharp jawline and the small outline of his Adam's apple, moving up and down as he spoke.

How is he tall?

I thought I scripted myself taller in my DR.

"I know I look sexy, but that doesn't mean you can keep staring at me" He said running his tongue inside his cheek. "I was not" I said taking my seat back on the couch, "Oh, so you don't deny that I'm sexy?" He said chuckling a little.


I rolled my eyes and continued reading my Romeo and Juliet. "You're always reading that book" He said still looking at the cabinet. "Yeah" I said placing my bookmark in, "It's a good book" I said as he nodded, "Really? I mean, I love Shakespeare, but I thought Romeo and Juliet is like repetitive" I squinted my eyes, "Repetitive? And hold up-" I stood up and walked to him.

"You're telling me that THE DRACO MALFOY has read Romeo and Juliet?" I asked holding a laugh in. "Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, "No, no, I get it" I said walking back to my couch, "It's about powerful families" I shrugged, "You think yours is one-"

"I know mine is one" He smirked making me roll my eyes again. As I sat on the couch, my eyes fall behind his shoulder on a beautiful old Consolette piano. He turned around and I quickly looked at the book, "You play?" He asked making me look up, "Well, not in front of everyone, I guess" I said shifting my legs on the couch, so that I could rest my back on the arm rest.

"No one knows?" He asked walking to me as I covered my legs with the blanket. "Ced does. Just him" I said as he ran his tongue through his cheek again, "Hmm" He paused, "And now I do" I nodded as he offered a hand to me, "And I wanna hear you play" He asked as I looked at his hand. "No, Drac- Malfoy, I'm a bit rusty" I lied as he scoffed.

"Doesn't matter" He said taking my hand, instead of me taking his, "Also, I don't mind" He said pulling me up. "You have to work" I reminded as he looked at the cabinet. "I'll take a break" He said as I sighed, "From what? Not working?" I said sending him a sarcastic smile.

The both of us walked to the piano, I sat on the chair, while he leaned on the piano. I rested my hands on the keys and tried tuning it out. I sighed loudly and looked at him, he had the smallest smile on his face that encouraged me to start. I started playing the tune to 'Fly me to the moon'

I closed my eyes and began singing, "Fly me to the moon... Let me play among the stars" I sang reminiscing the first time I sang it ever. "Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars" I continued seeing my father's happy face in front of me. "In other words, hold my hand... In other words... Baby kiss me" I sighed smiling to myself, still not opening my eyes.

"Fill my heart with song... And let me sing forevermore... You are all I long for... All I worship and adore" I sang thinking about how I didn't want Draco Malfoy to be close to me in anyway in my DR and look how he's standing, listening to me sing.

The thing that I haven't done in front of anyone except for Cedric.

I hummed and continued to sing as I reached at the end of the song. I opened my eyes to see Draco's mouth open, his jaw hanging. I chuckled and put a hand on his chin and closed his mouth.

"What?" I asked as he stood up straight, "Well, when you said "I play", I thought like the piano or something, not that you sing" He said as we walked back to the cabinet.

"Oh, I could've done that" I mumbled as he chuckled a little. I took a seat on the couch while he gave a look to his watch, "Seems like it's your time to go to your friends" He said as I looked up.

"That's fine. I'm okay here" I said smiling a little and he continued to repair the cabinet.

For the next hour or so, I would eventually look up, stare at Draco, as he kept an apple in the cabinet, would say the spell, curse when it wouldn't work, turn to me and sigh a little.

After the hour was over, he walked over to sit next to me, closer than I thought he would. "You tired?" I asked putting a hand at the roots of his hair to scratch his neck to give him a little relief. "Yeah" He mumbled closing his eyes. "So..." He said resting his head on my hand. 

"Diggory knows you're here?" He asked as I shook my head, "No, actually I haven't seen him since-"  I paused as he opened his eyes to look at me, "Why does Cedric have to know where I am?" I asked as he squinted his eyes, "Isn't he your boyfriend?" He sat up straight, "The night at the Astronomy Tower?" He added as I sat up straight.

"No?" I said shaking my head, "Malfoy, he's not my boyfriend. He's dating Cho!" I said closing my book. "Oh" His mouth formed an 'O' as he nodded. "Well, you guys seem pretty close and stuff" He added, "So, I thought that you guys might be dating" I shook my head. "No, he's my best friend, Ced's dad and my mum, used to go to the same school, before Amos came to Hogwarts" I said making him nod. "And I guess they kept in touch"

The two of us sat in silence for a minute before Draco broke it with a long sigh, "You're not doing it for the rest of the day, are you?" I asked as he shook his head, "I don't know, it's been two months, I just have till the end of this school year, I- I have to do it, I- I just...." His breathing increased as his eyes filled with tears.

"It-It's okay, Draco" I quickly pulled him in a hug, subconsciously rubbing his back in circles, so he would calm down. His arms wrapped around mine and his head on my shoulder, I could hear his silent sobs, "It's okay, Draco. Don't worry, I'm right here, aren't I?" I said as he pulled away. "You are?" He asked as I wiped his tears.

"Of course, Draco, I am right here, I am not going away"  I said as he smiled just a little. As if it was that moment when we realized that we were very close, no, our faces were very close. His eyes darted to my lips, "Drac-" I said as he leaned in. 

Why am I not pulling away?

Why do I want him to kiss me?

As our lips were about to touch, "Malfoy!" We heard Goyle call out for him, "We have class!" 

Draco pulled away as his hand rested on my waist, while mine on his chest. "I guess, we - we have to go"


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