𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"Tom, stop interrogating me like a criminal

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"Tom, stop interrogating me like a criminal."


"And you were still with him?"

I looked at Tom, "You're saying it like I had any other choice" Tom took a few steps back, "Of course you did!" He shouted making me flinch. "No, no, Tom. You don't get it" I sobbed, "When you... when you fear for your life, you don't have any other choice!"

"There would've been surely someone that could've helped you!" He reasoned, "Who? My divorced parents? Who barely had time for me? My girls? Who now I know, one was in love with him? Or who were soo tiny compared to him? Or James? My dead fucking best friend!?"

Tom shook his head like he couldn't believe me, "Tom... I had no choice, please—" He put his hand to stop me, "You did. I'm sorry that your best friend died and that people blamed you. Or that... I blame you" I gasped, "But you had a choice, you knew who did it and yet you didn't do anything. Everyone has a choice" He left the kitchen, leaving me alone on the kitchen aisle.

"Not everyone. I didn't... just like my Draco didn't"


It had been a few days that Tom and I had talked but we didn't even see each other. Isla and Derek quickly found out we had fought and weren't on talking basis.

I had been struggling with writing a better version of the song that the director had asked for. The song I gave them was the best I could do. The song that I remembered in my heart. The one that I wrote not in this reality. "Hey, Y/N!" Isla said as soon as she walked home. "Hey" I mumbled quietly knowing that Tom was back with Derek, yet again he didn't come to talk to me.

"He is as sad as you are" Isla mentioned looking at me, "Not as me. Because I want to talk to him but him..." Before Isla could defend him, I got up to my room.


It had been a long time since I had heard from the director about the song. I wanted to tell Tom about it, how I wrote a song for Draco and that's what I gave them. He would've been so happy and ecstatic about it. We recorded the song a few days later and I only had to wait for it to be released.

"Hello, everyone! Yes, yes, there is something coming up but I'm afraid I cannot share details" I wave at the live on Instagram. "Okay, fine. It's for a movie. That's it. That's all I'm saying" I pulled my lips together and acted like I was throwing some imaginary key away.

I hummed the tune of the song I was going to sing. "How can you miss someone you've never met?" I sang tuning my guitar. "Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet" My mind drifts to Draco.

My beautiful Draco.

"But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?" I closed my eyes and thought about shifting back to him. To my home. "'Cause lately it's been hard... They're sellin' me for parts" I smiled thinking to those times where Draco and I would just talk about our day when I moved into his dorm.

"How can you miss someone you've never seen? Oh, tell me, are your eyes brown, blue, or green?"


"And do you like it with sugar and cream? Or do you take it straight, oh, just like me?"

Doesn't like coffee.

I miss him.


That was a month ago. And because my phone has been buzzing, I know that people love it. Like always, I refrained the urge to look at the edits, applause or mistakes.

Cause me and Tom used to do it together. Whether it was his song or movie or my cover or anything. We would do it together. That's why I smiled a little when I saw Tom standing at my bedroom door.

What I didn't see was his face.


Why is he angry? He yelled at me and blamed me for my best friend's death. The one person I thought would understand, or would realise why I did what I did, turned out to be against me.

"Where did you find it?" These are the first words that come out if his mouth. "Where did I find what?" I asked standing up, "The song?" He asked walking into my room with a notebook, "The song that was just released?" He asked again when I just stared at him.

"What do you mean 'Where did you find it? In my mind?" I said sarcastically making him scoff, "In your min— you wrote it?" He asked again like he couldn't believe me. "Yes, I wrote it. Why are you ask—" He shook his head like I was lying.

I wasn't.

"This is your last chance" He paused to close the door, "Where did you find it?" He asked making me squint my eyes, "Tom, stop interrogating me like a criminal. I wrote it. End of this. I'm not lying. What makes you think—"

"You're lying. You know, Y/N, I thought about people like you. People who leech of other people's fame" I gasped. Is he saying that I only became what I am right now because of him or Miles?

Yes, a part of my success is surely because of Tom. He helped me get better, we practiced a lot and then he introduced me to the director. Sure, he deserves a part of my success.

But to say I leeched off of him when I didn't.

That's it.

"Leeched off of you?" I give him a chance to correct himself back. "Yes. I never took you for a thief..."


"But I guess, it's always the quiet ones, aren't they?" He says in that accusing tone again. "Playing all shy at first, gaining my trust, playing the damsel in distress and asking for my help— did Miles even hit you?"

I gasp loudly blinking my eyes. Tom had turned blur because of the tears but his words rang clears in my head.




"I can't believe you would say something... without even telling me..." I don't look at him and keep looking at the ground. "You're not telling me what... what happened and blam— blaming me?"

"Why would I lie about abuse? He hit me and— and h-hurt me..." I finally look up and see a tiny bit of guilt in his eyes. But it's late.

Too late.

"Get out" He said, words barely coming out of his mouth. Like strained. Like he didn't want me to go.

But his anger does.

I thought he was my home.


AHHHH!!! This is sooo bad. But I'm trying to get back to point. I guess only two chapters left and this story would be over... 😭😭

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