𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"You're losing my attention"

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"You're losing my attention"


Tom's PoV

It had been a week and neither Amy or Isla nor Miles had even texted her. "Hey, darling" I said as soon as I entered the house. "Hey" Y/N replied dully. I put my bag down and headed to the couch where she was sitting.

"Any messages?" I asked caressing her hair making her sigh. "No-"

"Did you do what I asked?" She shook her head making me sit down next to her, "Darling, you have to text them first. How would they know-"

"No, I mean, I get it they're mad but I don't always have to do it. I know when they'll calm down, they'll text. I just... I just didn't know they were going to take so much time" She said sounding tired making me not push her to ask her what else was happening.

"Okay, what do you wanna do today?" I asked as she sighed loudly. "I don't know... I don't feel like doing anything" She shrugged tiredly.

Why is she so tired?

She looked around the room and landing her eyes on my piano. I knew she wanted to sing and play but she really joined that and her friends together. "Okay, I'm going to make some coffee" I said grabbing my phone. I quickly dialed my friend's number. "Hey, man! What's up!? You haven't been to the restaurant a long time!"

"Hey, Carrie! How are you?" I asked whispering. "I'm good but why are you whispering?" She asked whispering back, "Wait, why am I whispering?" I chuckled with her and shut the door of the kitchen.

"I need a favor, darling" I paused and looked at the door. 


"TOM! TOM! TOM!" I smiled as I heard Y/N screaming. I knew what this was about. I took my time to get up from my bed so that she would eventually take her time and be in my bedroom. I could hear her steps as soon as I opened the door. Her arms wrapped around me and because that took me by surprise, we both fell on the carpet in my room.

She squealed loudly in my ear as I tightened my hands around her waist. "Guess who I called?" She asked pulling away. "Amy?" She nodded her head furiously. "But... but... but guess another thing?" She asked and didn't wait for me to reply, "Well, you won't be able to guess, cause well, haha, you don't know. I mean, you will after I tell you and then you're going to be ex--"

"Darling" I said placing my finger on her lip, "You're losing my attention" Her eyes met mine and she calmed down. "I got this random call from an owner from this restaurant. It's in downtown, it's really expensive, I've always wanted to go there with Miles but he was always busy and we never really-"

"Focus" She stopped and gulped, "You're getting off topic again, darling" I added calmly, "Alright, well, she called me and said that she heard about me and the band from some friend of hers and she wants us to try out for her" She squealed again, "And the best part? She's even paying us to audition!" 

I smiled and rubbed her waist, "Isn't this great? I mean, if she likes us, she'll try and keep us for a long time! I will finally get my solid gig" She smiled and hugged me again. "I'm so glad, darling" I finally said as she realized- now realized how we were sitting.

"I'm sorry... I always, I mean, we always find ourselves in positions like these" She said shyly making me smirk. "I wouldn't mind seeing you in different positions" I blurted out making both of our eyes wide. "What-" We were interrupted by the doorbell and never have I ever been this glad that someone disturbed us.

She quickly stood up and ran to the door making me follow behind, "Can I have my bestfriend back?" Amy asked with watery eyes looking at Y/N. Both of them gasped as they hugged, "I don't wanna lurk" Isla said and hugged the both of them. 

I saw Derek coming from behind her, "Where were you?" I asked as he shook his head, "No where" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone as it dinged. "Oh, right" I put my phone back in my pocket and called out, "Darling" 

Amy and Y/N both turned around. I looked at Y/N, "You remember the concert- well, not the concert but the fan convention I have?" She nodded, "Yeah, in like two days" She said pulling away from the girls. "Well, now it's the fan convention we have"

"Excuse me?" Amy and Y/N said together. I furrowed my eyebrows to look at Amy, "No, no, I think I heard you wrong" Y/N shook her head and walked to me, "We have?" I nodded, "Oh, like you and me- we..." I gestured with waving my hands between us, "Not us" I, then gestured in between me and the girls.

"I talked to one of the producers- he's a big one. He wants to hear you too!" I said and at the corner of my eye, I could see Amy getting jealous. "And then when I have perfected Amy and Isla, I can ask him to let them join you too" I said when no one said anything. "Tom, I mean, I am not nervous or anything but this is your thing, I mean, how could I-"

"I would never mind" I cut her off with a smile, "Thank you" She said with tears in her eyes and walked to hug me. "Anything for my darling" I whispered in her ear only for her to hear.


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