𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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"Good morning, love!"<•><•><•><•>

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"Good morning, love!"

Cordelia's/ Y/N's PoV

"Cordelia?!" I heard someone, felt like familiar voice. "For Godric's sake! Get your ass up from my bed! We need to be at the twins' shop in an hour!" I opened my eyes as I saw... is that Ginny?

"CORDELIA SYLVIA IRVINE!" She yelled making me jolt up. "Who? Me?" I asked in bewilderment. Why is she calling me Cordelia? "No. Oh, no. I was just calling the wall behind you— of course, you!" She said combing her hair with a wooden brush.

I probably should've scripted my own name.

"Right" I shook my head, "Where are we going again?" I asked standing up and walking to the mirror. I was a little taller, my eyes were bigger and beautiful, I was a brunette, my curves were clear as day and my plump lips only added to my beauty.

"The twins' shop! Did you forget you promised Georgie you were going to help him today?" She said as I looked at her through the mirror. "Yeah, um, I guess I did" I heard myself correctly this time.

I had my American accent.

Didn't I script that I wanted to belong here?

I shook my head, grabbed a towel from my bag and headed to the shower. How do I know all of those things? Maybe my subconscious is now helping me with connections as I come by.

I headed downstairs only to be engulfed by a hug by Mrs. Weasley. "Lia, dear!" She chirped happily. Oh and her hugs are even better than mentioned. "I'm sorry, I couldn't greet you last night. I was a little, umm... unwell" She said pulling away.

"No worries, Molly. Are you feeling better now?" She looked at the twins with a worried expression. "Molly... I know you don't like what the twins do" I said as she looked at me.

"How do you know that?" She asked as I helped her make breakfast.

Oh shit!

"Um, Fred told me once" I lied quickly cracking an egg. "Whatever they're doing is... questionable but making— inventing products like that takes a great deal! Plus, it also means that they're great— really great in charms" She smiled slightly but yet proudly.

"And aren't they just making the Weasley name proud?" I got patted on my shoulder as Arthur placed his hand around my shoulder, "Lia's absolutely right!" He said pecking his wife's cheek.

I let the love birds talk as I placed breakfast on the table. One by one, the kitchen filled with people, ready to eat eggs and sausages for breakfast. "Good morning, love!" I turned around to see George smiling at me as Fred smirked at the both of us.

"Good morning, George. Freddie" I said turning to each one of them and heading to my chair. I sat in between Hermione and Ginny. "Can you pass me the salt?" I asked Hermione who shyly smiled at Ron, "You two cannot make it more obvious!" I whispered as she rolled her eyes.

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