𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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"Were you mad, darling?"

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"Were you mad, darling?"


Y/N's PoV

"Well, thank you for helping Miles" I said looking around. When will he do it? "No worries. I'm always here to help" He mumbled dryly making me roll my eyes.

"And? Are you going to apologize?!" I said putting my purse down, "Apologize? For what?" I gasped loudly and hit his head once. "How dare you?! You really stood me up, didn't you?!" I said shaking my head, "I thought you might've forgotten about the dinner but—"

"Wait, wait, wait" He said squinting and closing his eyes. He pinched the bridge of his nose, "You don't remember anything?" He said looking at me like he wanted me to remember something.

"What?" I asked as he stared at me with some sort of... pity? "We were supposed to meet at the restaurant!" He said as I rolled my eyes. "No, you were supposed to pick me up" I said talking a step towards him.

"No, we were supposed to meet at the restaurant. You told me to!" He argued as I pouted. "So, I was basically mad at you for nothing? And I didn't text you for a week for nothing?" I said as he chuckled. "Were you mad, darling?" He asked resting his hands on my waist.

My heart beat raced through the tracks as he squeezed my waist once. Miles, think about Miles. I thought not trying to meet Tom's eyes. "Yeah, I was" I mumbled as he smiled and pecked my cheek.

"Why are they calling you to the studio?" He asked as I let out a breath, "Well, I have to record a few songs" I said looking around, "And they said that they had something to tell me" He nodded as my phone rang.

"I'll see you later"


Two weeks later...

"You ready, baby?" I heard Miles yell for what felt like the hundredth time. "In a minute!" I said as the makeup artist that we called helped me zip up my evening dress. "Ahh" Miles kept a hand on his heart, "I'm having a major flashback" He whispered as he hugged me. I closed my eyes to reminisce our prom night.

"I know" I said as he pecked my cheek. "God, I'm so grateful you're mine" He said as we heard a knock on the door. "Who is it, now?" Miles asked as he opened the door.

"Tom?" Miles and I said together. "Hey, I just wanted to talk to Y/N for a bit" Miles looked at me and then back at Tom. Oh, god, please not now. Not in front of him. I thought with worry in my eyes.

"Sure, I'll wait for you in the car" Miles said making me sigh in relief. "Hey, what is it?" I asked walking to Tom. "You look beautiful. You excited to receive the award?" I rolled my eyes at him. "We do not know if I'm going to win, baby!" I said hitting him, "I'm fairly new to the industry and the others nominated with me have far more experience than I could ever have" I added as he looked me up and down.

"Well, we'll see" He mumbled and took out his phone, "Look, this is serious" He said dropping his smirk and making me drop my smile. "What happened?" I looked at the phone in his hand. "Remember you came to me two weeks ago with Miles?" I nodded, "Miles left his... other phone, I assume"

Other phone?

"Does he know any other Amy?" I shook my head as my heartbeat increased pushing me closer to a panic attack. Tom noticed this and pulled me closer, "There was a message from what I now know our Amy, an inappropriate picture, a really inappropriate, I didn't open it but I could see it and it said that she was waiting for him to come home"

Are Miles and Amy—

"Yes, it seems like that, darling" I dropped to my knees as my eyes teared up. "He's cheating on me with my best friend?" I asked almost breaking down, right then and there. "Hey, hey, hey" Tom said picking me up. I stared at the wall to digest the information I just got.

How is that possible?

"We can not go to the award show—"

"No, we're going!" I said quickly wiping my cheeks. "I'm... I'll think about it on the way there" Tom merely nodded and didn't argue with me on this. "Ok, I'll see you there, darling" He pecked my cheek before I left for my car and he left for his. 


"Hey, you okay?" Isla asked making me nod, "Yeah" I grabbed the glass of white and chugged it down, "I'm perfectly okay!" I said as Miles laughed. "She's just nervous cause she has to give a big speech when she wins" He wrapped his arm around me and my eyes darted to Amy. 

I shook my leg in anxiety as I looked at them. How could they do that to me? I have know Amy since we were in kindergarten and Miles and I... we have been in a relationship from high school.

An hour had passed and I had paid no attention to who won what and what we were given to eat or we were having to drink. I just wanted to drink it all, whatever they had- white, red or beer or champagne. "Okay, here you go!" Miles grabbed my shoulders as they announced, "New and upcoming voices for the year"

I sighed as he announced all the nominees. My eyes as I kept replaying Tom's words in my mind. 

There was a message from what I now know our Amy, an inappropriate picture, a really inappropriate...

"And the winner is...." I held my breath as I walked closer to a panic attack. "Y/N Y/L/N!" A loud cheer rang in my hear and my eyes met with Tom's because I didn't want to see anyone else right now. He was the only one standing (looking like a loveable idiot). 

"I told you so" I chuckled wiping a tear that had felt not because I won an award but because my boyfriend is cheating on. I stood up just hugged Miles for a second and headed to the stage. 

"Oh, wow" I paused to take the award in my hand, "I... oh wow, I didn't- I didn't expect that I'd win it. I mean, Tom did tell me that a thousand times" My eyes darted to him as he bent down in a bow like he was thanking me. And then I saw Miles' eyes in pure jealousy.

"Well, there are a lot of people I'd like to thank" I sighed, "But there are two people I'd like to thank the most. Can I please call them on the stage and can I have a big round of applause for both of them-- Amy Hearst" She stood up and my blood boiled, "And Miles Kline"

Both of them looked at each other and I thought they wouldn't. But when they started walking to the stage, smiling at each other, I closed my eyes to think of my happy place, so I wouldn't burst.


"Well, what can I say?" I paused and looked at Tom, "Except for that they are... assholes!" A lot of gasps emerged and I saw Tom smirk a little, only encouraging me to continue. "I'm not sorry saying this but... they're the biggest assholes I ever met. You wanna know why?" I paused to look at their faces.

Which had totally been dropped to the floor.

"Cause I was in a relationship with Miles from high school and Amy... or my dear Amy! God knows how long I've known her! But you know what they do? They cheat on me! Me! Someone who has done so many things for both of them!" My eyes teared as I paused to say, "And I can't believe I even thought about staying with you after you hit me!" 

I ran down the stage and walked to Tom. I looked at him and he looked at me with the same pity he had in the trailer. Did he know about this? I looked at Derek and placed my award on their table. 

"This is because of you"


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