𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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"I'm going to eat you until your legs shake and I'm hard again"

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"I'm going to eat you until your legs shake and I'm hard again"


"Only if you were mine" He mumbled as he pressed down on my stomach from stopping me squirm under his tongue that was now licking my pussy like its existence was made just for it. "If I die between your thighs, I'd die a happy man" He mumbled as my eyes shut close from all the overwhelming pleasure. 

"I am yours, Draco" I referred to when he said if only I was his. His eyes locked with mine, while his mouth still buried deep in my pussy. My fingers tangled in his hair, scrunching it as the pleasure took over my brain. My eyes rolled to the back and he knew I was close.

That's why he stopped. 

"Wha-" I breathed out but it turned into a curse word as soon as Draco pushed himself into me. "Oh, shi-" I groaned as he started moving into me and I could feel all my insides bursting into pleasure. One of his hands wrapped around my throat while the other went to rub my clit. "Drac, don't stop, please" I moaned making him smirk.

It was then when I realized that there is no man in this reality or even my reality that would make me feel like this.

But should I even be doing this?

I have a boyfriend in my CR and I'm fucking a fictional character in my DR. 

Is that cheating?

All my thoughts were flipped when Draco flipped me over till my chest was pressed on the couch and he entered in me from behind. He pressed my back so it would give a perfect arch position for the both of us to reach our climax.

"Oh, Irvine!" He has moaned my name thrice in the span of half an hour and it is the sexiest thing I have ever heard, except for his groans. His groans are the things that would make you wet as soon as you heard them. 

"I-I'm close, Drac" I mumbled biting down on the arm rest of the couch. "Me too" He mumbled against my shoulder, leaving small pecks on it as he groaned making me reach my climax early than I intended to.

Our breaths calmed down as he flipped me over to pull out from me. I smiled and pecked his cheek, "Thank you" I mumbled against his lips making him pull away, "What makes you think I'm done with you?" I gasped as he positioned me directly over his mouth. "I'm going to eat you until your legs shake and I'm hard again" 


I groaned when I felt someone pull me close, but my eyes shot open and I jolted up to think who I was with. I sighed when Draco pulled me back into his arms, "Draco, we fell asleep" I said placing small pecks on his chest. "Mmm, this feels nice" He pulled me closer and tightened his grip.

Neither of us knew what time it was, I pulled out of his grasp and started looking for my wrist watch in my clothes. "It's 5 AM in the morning, Malfoy" I said that made Draco jolt up. His lips kissed the outline of my shoulders, "What happened to Draco?" I smiled, "Well, there was something I wanted to tell you" He said as I picked up my bra.

"But I forgot in the midst of fucking you five times last night" I smiled when I heard him chuckle a little, "I am going to be there at the Three Broomsticks" He mumbled, "I'm going to attempt my task" I turned around to see his expression change to serious. "Attempt at what task?" I asked as I stopped wearing the bra. 

And then I remembered how Draco uses Katie Bell to kill Dumbledore.

"Promise me you won't be near Katie Bell or Dumbledore" Draco said sadly, "And please... don't hate me" He pulled me in a hug, "I can never hate you, Draco" 


"Hey, ready to go?" I heard Harry ask me as we sat in the Great Hall. He helped me up and I saw Draco already leaving for the Three Broomsticks. "Can we ask you something?" Hermione asked as we were walking to the bar. "All of you have a question? That's suspicious" I said chuckling, "Do you think Malfoy seems different?" Harry asked making me stop walking.

"Why are you asking me that?" I asked as they all looked at each other, "Because he's your partner, in almost all classes" Ron answered for Harry and I sighed. 

I thought they suspect something.

"We think that he's a Death Eater" Harry blurted out making me stop one more time. "Harry thinks that" Hermione corrected him and I looked at Draco entering the bar. "Wh-Why do you think that, Harry?" I gulped and Hermione noticed my uncomfortableness. 

"Please, did you ask Lia for just this?" She said and turned to Harry's book, "Plus what is with you and this book?" She asked and we started walking towards the bar, "It's like with Lia and Romeo and Juliet" She added making me smile, "She's right, you know" Ron said as I saw Katie and Louisa walk in front of us.

"You never talk to me when we go to sleep, you're always reading that book. It's like being with Hermione" Ron added making Hermione roll her eyes. I droned out the rest of their conversation thinking why Harry actually invited me here. 

Yes, I am closer to the Weasley family.

Yes, Hermione and Ginny are kind of my best friends, even though I am in Ravenclaw.

Yes, Harry thinks of me as his best friend because I am Ginny's best friend.

But why?

Does he think I'm going to help him in his suspicion towards Draco, which is on point, might I add.

We sat on the table as Hermione ordered butterbeers, "And some ginger in mine, please" She said and I looked at her, "What is your obsession with Gingers?" I asked her as she turned red. "Look at him" We all turned around to look at Ginny and Dean. I smiled seeing the both of them kiss.

Wonder when I will be able to kiss Draco publicly.

Maybe never.

I don't even know what we are, I mean, he never asked me to be his girlfriend or anything and well, we've just fucked once- five times in one night.

I smiled as Slughorn and Harry talked and I saw Draco walk into the bathroom. "So, I'll see you three at the dinner party" He said leaving when the Butterbeer arrived. "Lia" I looked up and saw Ron and Hermione shift uncomfortably, "We need your help in something" I put my Butterbeer down as my eyes followed Draco out of the bar.

"It's actually about Malfoy" Harry said following my eyes, "We need a hair of his" I squinted my eyes when I realized he wanted to use the Polyjuice potion, "Why?" I asked quickly, "We need to see if he has the Dark Mark, anything that would prove that he's a Death Eater" Harry explained as I shook my head.

Oh Rowena.

"Why do you need my help?" I asked and started thinking about ways I could avert this situation and also not betray Draco. "You sit beside him in class, it would be easy and I saw you two talking that day" Harry paused to look at me suspiciously, "He seemed... nice... er to you" He said making me sigh.

"It'll help Harry, you know" Hermione explained, "He's been restless every since we saw him in Diagon Alley" She said as I picked my Butterbeer up. "It would really help him, I'd have my best friend back" Ron said as they all played the victim card.

What am I supposed to do?


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