𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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"Get out of here!"

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"Get out of here!"


Tom's PoV

"Home. My home"

"Wait, wait! Do you... ugh! Do you know what you're gonna say?" Derek yelled from behind me as I reached the garage. "I..." What am I going to say to her? "Exactly" He said as he saw me thinking.

"I will find something to say" I said as Derek grabbed the keys. "She's my Cordelia" I mumbled to myself in hopes of courage that I desperately need right now.

And hope that I am right!

Derek insisted on driving, in his words, 'I don't trust you while you look like you're going into a storm', so yeah, he's driving as fast as he can. A part of me doesn't want him to go fast because I am still thinking what I'm going to say to her.

It's been a couple of months since I saw her. She has been hidden since the release of her new song. She didn't come to the Award show to accept her award. She has been on lockdown and now I know why. "We're here" I sighed as Derek got off the car. "Look, Tom. You're my best friend and-and Y/N is Isla's. She has no idea what happened with Y/N recently based on the talk I had with her. And I... She could be really vulnerable right now and I don't want that either of you get hurt. So, only walk in if you're really sure what you're gonna say or apologise"

"No. I— I am sure" I said and ran into the apartment building. Knocking on Y/N's door felt weird. For one, we haven't talked for a long time and for two, I don't think I've ever knocked on her door. She opened the door and I could only stare at her like she was staring at me. "To—Tom" She mumbled slowly thinking if I was really there.

"Darling" She sighed as she realised I was really there. She was about to close her door on me, but I quickly pushed her in and closed it behind us. I want no neighbours to be in the drama. "What are you doing here? And don't touch me!" She yelled turning around disappearing into the kitchen. I walk behind her and get a good look at her. She definitely had a few bruises on her legs and hands. I could see a slap mark on her cheek and a hand imprinted on her neck.

If I could punch a wall right now, I would've. But remembering Derek's words, she's vulnerable and she wouldn't want to see me in such way. "Well?" She snapped me back to reality, "I..." If I give her an option to talk to me, of course, she'll say no. "Whatever I ask you, just say yes or no" I said making her scoff.

We were both in her kitchen but still a few feet apart.

"You have no grounds to ask me anything after you called me a fucking thief" Deserved that. "Please" I said desperately in hopes that she would not kick me out of her apartment. "Okay"

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