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"Why did you and Malfoy walk in together?"

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"Why did you and Malfoy walk in together?"


Cordelia's POV

"Just old magic, Malfoy" I said still, awkwardly rubbing his back in order to calm him down. He cleared his throat, "Alright" he said as my eyes darted at my watch. "Come on, we're almost late to Charms" I said standing up and giving him a hand to help up. He looked at my hand and got up without my help.

He made you look like an idiot!

Thank Merlin, no one was there to see that.

We both walked out of the Room of Requirement, in silence. Neither did he said what he was doing, nor did I ask for any explanation. I was really fighting the urge to tell him that I knew what he was and what he was doing and what he was going to do.

But you can't!

I know that, stupid sub-conscious. Shut it.

We both walked to the class and Professor Flitwick was already there. "Ah! Now that you both are here" The whole class turned around to look at us. Least to say, we were the oddest pair to be together, well, apart from class.

"We can begin" Flitwick said putting the registry down after marking our names present. We both took a seat (next to each other, if you forgot we were partners), but this time, he wasn't at the edge of the table, trying to be away from me.

He was a little closer.

"Today, we're going to learn about the Bombarda charm" Flitwick began and I started to take notes and paying attention, which Draco was not. "So, I heard that you won the Liquid Luck" I looked shocked at Draco as he asked me this. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he squinted his eyes and then looked at me. "What?"

"Nothing, yeah, erm, yeah, I won it. Like two weeks ago" I said and he nodded. "You keep it with you?" I squinted my eyebrows, "Wouldn't you like to know, Manwhore?" I said and waited for some snarky comment, but no response.

After the class ended, I raised my hand up, "Yes, Miss Irvine?" Flitwick said closing his books, "Sir" I said and saw Draco clear his throat. "Sir, I was just wondering what type of charm we're going to do next class?" Draco was looking at me and shifting uncomfortably.

"Oh, Miss Irvine, well, for that, I was wondering maybe the Locomotor Charm, not the curse, the Charm or maybe the cloak igniting charm" I nodded knowingly, "Thank you, Sir" And there it was again, an uncomfortable shift.

The whole lesson, I was just waiting for one bad remark from him, but it never came.

Speaking of coming, neither have you.

I rolled my eyes at myself and stood up as the bell rang. "Hey!" I was pulled back by Cho. "Why did you and Malfoy walk in together?" She asked as Luna joined us, "Yeah, we just walked in together, that is it" I said and we headed to our next class.


And once again, I stumbled to the Room of Requirement. I clutched my book of Romeo and Juliet in my hand and searching for a couch. I heard something and I just knew it was Draco.

Well, he's got his task, doesn't he?

I sat on the couch, the first one my eyes could find. I opened my book and started reading. I was halfway through the book when I heard a groan. I knew it came from Draco, but I just thought it might've been a frustrating groan.

Plus if I find him, he's gonna think I am following him. So, I dropped it but as I was about to go back to reading, another groan. I closed my book and started following the noise.

I could see the Vanishing Cabinet but no Draco. "Where is he— Ah!" A soft gasp left my lips as I saw Draco... half naked... on a couch... in front of a mirror... his cock in his hand.

I quickly turned around and hid behind a tall mess of miscellaneous things. "I will not turn around" I whispered as my thighs clenched. "This is not right, Cordelia" I whispered again.

"Damn it! I am turning around" I said and turned around. His head was fallen back, he was still getting himself off, but mumbling something. I put my hand on one of the tables and listened to what he was saying.

"Irv..." He paused to let out a soft moan, "You fucking pretty Ravenclaw" His breath altered and I looked at his hand. I gasped as I finally saw his cock.

He's big.

But a bigger gasp escaped my lips from what he said next. "Irvine, Irvine" He paused again, "Oh, whatever shall I do to you to make you call me Sir? Oh fuck!" And with that, he came undone.

I put my hands on my underwear, only to realise that I was now, one, totally turned on and two, fully wet.

This is going to be hard.


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