𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗

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"Wow, Delia, your words are doing something to me!"<•><•><•><•>

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"Wow, Delia, your words are doing something to me!"

"Irvine... Irvine... Irvine"

I cursed myself under my breath as I recognized the voice. "Malfoy" I mumbled as he turned me around by my waist as looked me up and down. "Care to tell me what you're doing here, mudblood?" I rolled my eyes and he pushed me against some dusty cupboard making my back hit the mirror, "I should ask you that, manwhore" I plucked up the courage to speak, even when he had his wand against my jaw.

"I'm a prefect, remember?" I quirked up an eyebrow as he rolled his eyes, "What were you doing here, Irvine?" He asked again gritting his teeth, "I..." Think of something, no one, let alone, Draco Malfoy can know you sing.

Merlin knows what he will do with that information.

"I... was reading" I half-lied as he smirked, "Reading?" He asked again like he caught me in my lie. "Yeah, I always come here to read... since the fifth year" I added which wasn't totally a lie when the memories of me reading in the Room of Requirement flooded in my mind.

He looked me up and down once again, "Where's your book?" He asked as I gasped once again when his wand reached my chest, right at my cleavage.

I couldn't think straight at how he was staring at my lips, not moving his face, but just with his eyes looking down at my lips, while I stared just a little up to look at his face. "Some Ravenclaw, aren't you?" He scoffed as he bent down slightly to my ear to whisper.

"Can't even lie straight"


The news of me winning the Liquid Luck spread around the school like fire. "Lia!" I heard Harry call me making me turn around, "Harry!" I pulled the heavily breathing boy into a hug, "Gosh! It feels like I haven't seen you in a long time" I said as I pulled away.

"It's just been two weeks since we are back at school" He reminded making me nod, "I know, Potter but you know, now we don't have any classes together, so I don't see you..." We headed to the Great Hall for dinner, "Or Hermione... or Ron" I added turning to him.

"You'll see us all at the Slytherin Party tonight" He said placing a hand on the small of my back, "Yeah, I'm not sure" I said as we walked through the gate, "What do you mean? You're not coming?"

No wonder you're not in Ravenclaw.

I shook my head, "Harry... it's a Slytherin party!" I sighed as he rubbed my back, "Malfoy and his gang would be there, ready to bully me and—"

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