𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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"Jesus, Y/N darling"

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"Jesus, Y/N darling"


I kissed Tom's cheek as he dropped me off at Miles' house. The whole ride went wondering what went wrong with the system. "See you tomorrow, darling" 

I put in the security code to enter the house, only to find that Miles was already home. "So, how was the concert?" He asked without exchanging pleasantries. "I don't get a 'hello, baby' now?" I asked laughing but when he didn't, I realized what was actually happening. 

"It was okay" I said placing my bag down, "The music system fucked up one of my songs" I shrugged, "But overall it was good-"

"That is why you and Felton were so cozy up" He turned his phone towards me. I squinted my eyes at the photo and before I could properly see the picture (which by the way, looked like me and Tom, but it was my back and his face was hidden)

Tom and I didn't even stand this close in my trailer, let alone today! Sure, we rested our foreheads on each other's but nothing more than that.

You're forgetting the two moments you shared in his house.

Shut up, stupid subconscious.

"That's not us—" Before I could complete Miles threw his phone in anger.

Oh fuck.


I woke up in the guest bedroom with my eyes swollen and red. They burned as I closed them. I sighed and closed my eyes again to lessen the burn but only found my eyes watering more. I grabbed my phone and saw that there was already a message from Tom saying good morning and asking me when I was free to meet with the producer (instantly making me smile).

I replied him back quickly and sent the text. I pulled the sheets off of me and looked at the door. Everything looked blurry and groggy. Miles and I had the biggest argument all because he believed on a clearly edited or forged picture from paparazzi or anyone who's trying to set me up. 

We had another argument years ago because he was jealous but it never reached to this extent. Closing my eyes again, I let a tear fall and thought back to the days I was completely and utterly in love with the man sleeping next to this room. 

And now, I cannot say the same.

I went downstairs in the kitchen to find the house empty and sighed. No more fighting. But as soon as a hand snaked around my waist, I gasped loudly. "I'm sorry for whatever happened last night" He looked at my forehead and then met my eyes.

"I know I hurt you but I never meant to. I was just angry and frustrated and jealous" I looked up, "Yes, jealousy got the best of me" He said trying to pull me closer. 

"After you went the guest bedroom, I clearly looked at the picture and it didn't look like you guys—"


"And I called my manager, she said nothing like that happened in your trailer" He sighed as my eyes watered. "I'm sorry baby" He pecked my cheek and whispered sweet things in my ear and how sorry he was.

"It's fine" I said quickly and turned around to make breakfast, "I'm gonna get going?" He half asked half said making me nod. "See you in the evening" He said making me shake my head. "I have a meeting with a producer, they need a singer urgently and he heard me yesterday, so he wants to meet me" I said dryly, it didn't even feel good to tell my own boyfriend that.

"That's great news, baby!" He said and hugged me from behind. "I'll see you after that" He said and left the house. I let out a breath in relief and ran to the medicine cabinet to take a medication for my headache.

After taking more than mentioned I tried walking back to the kitchen but my head felt heavy so I just rested on the couch.


"Y/N?" I heard someone call me. "Mmm" I said moving onto the space below me. This feels so good. I thought as I wrapped my arms around the pillow. "Darling?" Another call.


I opened my eyes and looked at the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. And the ones I am in love with. My eyes went wide to the thought I just had. "To— Tom?" I sat up straight but quickly put my hand on my head. "Oww" I said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "You okay, darling?" He asked again.

And I can't help but fall all over again as he calls me 'darling'.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I just have a headache" I said and before his hand could touch my forehead, I turned away. "Okay" He said and we both just stood in silence for a minute.

"You can-"

"The producers-"

"Oh, you can go first" Tom said as him and I started talking together. "No, that's okay—" My eyes went wide as I realized I had a meeting today. "Oh my God! Tom! I totally forgot about the meeting today!!!" I said standing up, "Don't worry about it, I postponed it, seeing you didn't pick up my call— I assumed something happened" He paused to look at me and around the house.

"Which I think did" He whispered to himself but I heard him clearly. I hope he doesn't ask me anything. "But we can go later and there's no meeting anymore— We can— You can directly go to the studio for the recording" He said smiling at me. "And before you ask, as a signing bonus, which you haven't yet, but here's your five hundred thousand dollar signing bonus check" He added making me jump in his arms.

"OH MY GOD!!" I screamed in his ear, "Jesus, Y/N darling" He said wrapping his arms around me. I sighed and within a second my eyes watered, "Thank you" I said before my voice would crack.

But he was quick.

"Hey, hey, hey" He cupped my face, "What's wrong, darling?" He asked making me shake my head, "Just... after all these years, I finally have this wonderful opportunity— solid opportunity and I... it took so long that it made me feel it wasn't going to be better"

Which it kinda isn't.

"Aww" He said pulling me to his chest, "It's all good now, isn't?" He asked pecking my head, "And I have a feeling it's going to be even more amazing" He said making me smile. "How about I sing to you, huh? I know, I mean, I'm not bragging but I know it'll cheer you up" I chuckled as he picked up his guitar. 

"You walked into the room and now my heart has been stolen... You took me back in time to when I was unbroken" He started singing as I stared at him. "Now you're all I want... And I knew it from the very first moment... 'Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again" I squinted my eyes to think if there was a 'her' in his life.

I felt a small pang in my heart.

I smiled as he continued, "I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me... Like it was a private show, I know you never saw me" He sang making my heart flutter. "When the lights come on and I'm on my own... Will you be there to sing it again? Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories... Can I be him?"

"I heard there was someone but I know he don't deserve you... If you were mine I'd never let anyone hurt you, no, no" His eyes landed on something in the house but before I could see what, "I wanna dry those tears," His eyes found mine, "Kiss those lips" His eyes were on my lips now. 

"It's all that I've been thinking about"


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