𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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"Thank you, you're such a gentleman

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"Thank you, you're such a gentleman. UNLIKE SOME PERVERTS!"

After my unusual... talk with my bully. I headed to my compartment as we had finally reached Hogwarts. Upon reaching, I found out that my best friends had already left.

"Some best friends!" I mumbled grabbing my purse, "Didn't even tell me they were leaving or didn't even wait for me. Hermione and Ron wait for Harry, even Blaise and Pansy ask Draco to come— but mine, noooo" I said getting off the train only to find the platform deserted with hardly four or five people on it.

"At least they took my bag" I said as I waited for a carriage. I had seen the Threstals in the movies but now I couldn't see them, meaning I haven't witnessed any deaths. I climbed on the carriage and waited for it to fill up.

I opened my Romeo and Juliet and started reading it, thanking Merlin that I could catch the last carriage. I felt the space next to me dip a little, "Will you quit following me?!" I snapped closing my book.

"Relax! It's not like I want to share a carriage with a mudblood anyway but it's the last carriage" He said as a few second and third years sat in the carriage. One sat next to Draco making him scoot closer to me.

"Why? Didn't your Daddy send you a private carriage? Oh wait, he can't" I said opening my book and continued reading it. I felt Draco scoot in more closer as his arm went around me but still not touching, "Why don't I just sit in your lap?!" I snapped again as I saw only one third year old waiting for some space.

"I don't mind" I heard him mumble as I squinted my eyes, "Don't flatter yourself, they need space" He said finally wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer. "Oh, for Rowena's sake!" I said standing up.

"I'm walking to the castle" I said but before I could leave, Draco grabbed my wrist, "Sit your ass back down, Irvine!" He said pulling me down making me sit in the small space.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest as the carriage began rolling. The ride was very uncomfortable, my legs were pressed up together, Draco's thigh touched my bare ones, it was very overcrowded and the children were talkative.

The only thing I couldn't wrap my head around, Draco would occasionally side eye me, look me up and down, stop his gaze at my thighs and would smirk.

His gaze wasn't uncomfortable but protective and filled with lust.

I looked at him, catching him in his act— I mean, just because I look good and you're probably the most hottest guy in the school, I'm not gonna let you check me out.

I raised my eyebrows and held his gaze as he seemed in deep thought. He squinted his eyes a little like he was thinking about whether to kiss me or not.

Honestly, if it was Tom Felton, I would've let him respectfully rail me, but it's Draco Malfoy and he's a bully, a racist and a total bitch!

I don't associate myself with people like him.

The carriage finally came to a stop as I saw Professor Flitwick mark off names in his list. The carriage got empty as Draco got off before me. I tugged on my skirt, which I knew would fly up if I jump off of the carriage.

I could ask Draco for help-

"Harry!" I said as Draco turned around to look at us. "Could you— what happened to your nose?" I asked and then it clicked me. Draco kicks him. "Nothing, here, let me help you get off the carriage" He said offering a hand.

"Thank you, you're such a gentleman. UNLIKE SOME PERVERTS!" I yelled the last part as I heard Draco scoff. "Luna?!" I said as she appeared from behind Harry. "Where were you, Lia?" She asked as we entered the castle and the doors closed behind us.

"I was looking for you because you hadn't come back from the toilets" She said sweetly making me smile. No matter how many friends I lose, I know Luna's gonna stick by. "Names?" We were interrupted by Professor Flitwick.

"Professor, you've known me for six years!" Harry said as Draco quarrelled with Filch. "It's not a crane, you cretin!" I giggled as Flitwick said, "No exceptions, Potter" He looked at me, "Oh, Lia, you can take your luggage" I smiled as Harry rolled his eyes.

I walked over to the piles of luggage. "Nice face, Potter!" Draco yelled laughing a little. I pulled my bags, "Wingardium Leviosa" I said levitating them in the air and heading to the castle while Luna fixed Harry's broken nose.

I smiled as the magnificent castle stood in front of my eyes. "It's beautiful" I mumbled as I heard a scoff, "You act like you're seeing it for the first time, mudblood" Draco said making me roll my eyes.

It's because I am!!

"What's it to you, manwhore?" I asked quirking up an eyebrow. As I was about to enter the castle, he pushed me against the wall making my concentration break resulting in my luggage falling down.

"You need to watch your tongue around me, slut!" He said dragging his wand up and down my thigh.

No wonder he's the manwhore of Hogwarts.

"And you need to watch your fucking eyes around me" I said trying to push him off of me. But he pushed me again wrapping his hand around my throat and tightening his grip. "Watch. It!" He gritted his teeth as we heard footsteps.

Before I could push him again, he took me to a deserted hallway and put a finger on my lip. I stared at his silver blue eyes as he stared down into my brown ones. "Next time, watch what spells you use or you won't see that wand of yours, mudblood"

He dragged his thumb down onto my lip pushing it down. I slapped him across his face and pushed him off of me. Grabbing my luggage again, I headed to the Ravenclaw tower.

"What gets broken without being held?" The eagle knocker asked making me realise that Ravenclaws don't have a password. "A promise" Luna said sweetly as I nodded.

Why did the eagle knocker ask this particular question?

It is exactly how I read it. The common room is the airiest rooms at Hogwarts. It was a wide, circular room with arched windows that hung low with blue and bronze silk curtains. Under my feet, a midnight blue carpet covered with stars that reflected onto the domed ceiling.

I ran my hand on the spine covers of books— tons of books that were kept in bookcases in the common room. The door leading to the dormitories stood a tall, white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

"You coming, Lia?" Luna asked opening the door to the dormitories. "In a minute" I said walking to a window. I gasped as soon as my eyes landed at the sight in front of me.

The school grounds, the lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch Pitch and the Herbology gardens.

This is the only reason I chose shifting to a Ravenclaw— only for the view.


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