𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"The sharing's over"

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"The sharing's over"


I have never avoided Harry Potter so much than I have avoided him this past week. I did tell him that I have Draco's hair, which I don't. I have been putting my free time into reading about Polyjuice Potion. 

I would ask Hermione but then she'd be suspicious.

Speaking of Draco, it has been a week and unlike last time, he hasn't tried talking to me. I mean, you can see he wants to, but his ego is too big.

Like his dick.

Oh, shut it!

I rolled my eyes as I tried picking the lock of Draco's room. "Did you forget you can use magic?" I jumped a little when I heard Blaise. "Shit, Zabini!" I kept a hand on my chest, "You scared me" I added putting the bobby pin in my robes, "And yes. Yes, I forgot I can 'Alohomora' this bitch" I said pulling my wand out.

I looked at him, "You aren't curious why I'm here?" I asked as he shook his head, "Nope!" He said and left the hallway. "Whatever" I said and entered Draco's dorm, or if put it better words, his messy yet luxurious dorm. "A piano?" I said running my fingers on the keys.

"Never knew" I added and opened his closet, "How am I supposed to know when you wore your robes or suits in fifth year?" I asked looking around his shirts, "You can't, unless I tell you!" I jumped again as Draco stood at the door frame. "What are you doing here?" He asked rudely making me roll my eyes. He moved to his bed, eyeing me suspiciously.

I'm not scared of him.

"Taking a hair" I said truthfully, "Get out!" He said making me flare my nostrils, "Fine! Fuck you too!" I mumbled and as I was about to reach the door, "Cordelia" He called out softly. I didn't want to turn around but my stupid legs made me, "What?" I asked as he looked up, "You forgot to close the closet's door"

This asshole!

I walked to the closet and slammed the door shut, "Close the door on your way out too!" He said making me pause at the door. I grabbed the doorknob and instead of pulling it with me, I pushed it, leaving it wide open. "Asshole!" I yelled as he stood at the door, "I heard that, Irvine!" He yelled back.

"You were supposed to!"


I heard someone opening the door of the Tower, and for once, I didn't really care if someone found me here or gave me detention. I turned back to the dark sky, no sparkling stars that I loved to see everyday. I turned around when the footsteps grew closer.

HEIMAT || A D.M & T.F FANFIC ||Where stories live. Discover now