𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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"That's my girl!"

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"That's my girl!"


"How does someone get drunk because of Butterbeer?" I mumbled as Hermione wrapped her arms around Ron and Harry. Ron was about to reply to me, he was interrupted by a scream. We all turned around to see Katie in the air.

Even though my other self had already seen it, but this was more terrifying.

She fell to the ground and we ran to her, "Back! All of you!" We heard Hagrid yell, I was about to touch the necklace, Harry next to me, "No!" I flinched as Harry held my hand when Hagrid shouted again, "Don't touch it, Lia" He said as the wrapping flipped with the wind.

"Just the wrapping, touch only the wrapping" Hagrid instructed, I pulled out my wand, "Wingardium Leviosa" I mumbled and levitated it in the air. The five of us went to McGonagall, "Is that it, Louisa?" She asked when Louisa completed her story.

"You can go" She looked at us and then at me, "And you, Miss Irvine?" She asked, "What were you doing?" I stood up from the desk, "Um, I was with Hermione and the others when this happened" She nodded, "Why is it that something happens, it's always you three?" I held in my laughter when Snape entered the class.

"Believe me, Professor. I've been asking the same question myself for six years!" McGonagall ignored him, "How is she, Severus?" Snape looked at the necklace, "Let's just say Miss Bell is lucky to be alive" He said and turned the necklace, finally letting me break my concentration.

"Katie would never hurt anyone, let alone Dumbledore" Harry spoke up, "It was Malfoy" I looked at Harry and I knew where this was going. I droned out the rest of their conversation thinking about how am I going to help Harry and also not betray Draco.

"You all can go" McGonagall said making us leave the classroom, "I'm sorry, Lia" Hermione said, "We kinda ruined your Saturday" I shook my head and smiled just a little, "Lia" Harry stopped me when I was fiddling with my necklace, "Think about-" Hermione groaned at Harry and pulled him away, "We'll see you later" She said walking away.

I was walking towards my tower thinking about what to do and what not to do. If I tell Draco that Harry suspects him being a Death Eater and given that I am the only person that knows that he's a Death Eater and who's close to Harry...

He's going to think it's you who told him.

No, he won't do that. We've grown close, he wouldn't suspect me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I was pulled into a broom closet. "What the hell?" I mumbled when Draco lit his wand in the dark closet. "I told you to stay away from Katie!" He yelled, "What the hell were you doing?" He asked looking at me up and down in worry.

HEIMAT || A D.M & T.F FANFIC ||Where stories live. Discover now