𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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"You guys are so cute!"

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"You guys are so cute!"


TW - Attempt to Suicide

"Drac, baby?" I called out as he held out on the pillar next to the railing, "Please get down from there" I cried as my vision turned blur, "No!" He shouted as I tried taking a step, "Do-Don't take a step closer" He said edging closer.

"If you do... If anyone does, I'll jump" I quickly stopped but was away from the others, "Oka-Okay, I won't. Neither of us will come to you" I said and I knew I had to divert his mind and assure him that everything's okay. "But baby, please get down from there" I said as he shook his head. 

"No" He said crying, "I don't want to be here" He said, "I want to go home" He cried making my heart break. When he looked down, I tried taking a step, so small, that he wouldn't know the difference. "Drac, please don't do it" I said slowly.

"Think about the others, your mother, she loves you so much" I said taking another step, "You said you're doing it for your mother, right?" I paused, "You think she'll be able to survive if you do this? It'll break her, Draco" I said as his hand loosened and I was more scared than ever.

I pulled out my wand, just in case. "She's a smart witch, she'll escape from there" He said closing his eyes, "No, Draco. She loves you, she won't be able to take it" I said wiping my tears, "There are so many people here that love you" I added as he looked up, "Your mother, she said that she loves you so many times. Pansy and Blaise and tons of other Slytherins, they all love you" 

"I love you" 

His head snapped to me, "What?" He asked like he heard it wrong, "I love you, Draco" I said closing my eyes, "This was what I was going to say to you the day Marvin kissed me" I met his eyes finally, "Yo-You really love me?" I nodded, "Yes, I do, with all my heart, Draco" I sighed, "I was just afraid that I'd be the only one" I added sadly, "Which I think is true" I mumbled to myself when I didn't hear him say he loves me back.

"Doesn't matter, Draco. I love you, more than myself. So, please get down from there" I walked a few steps and thanked Rowena he didn't protest this time. "I love you, Draco. Please listen to me and get down" I said as I reached near him, "You promise you love me?" I nodded as he wiped his eyes. He pulled me into his arms as soon as he got down, "Thank you"


Did he actually say 'thank you' to my 'I love you'?

I wrapped my arms tightly around him as the both of us slid down on the floor. I felt his tears on my shoulders as I felt other two arms wrap around us, "If you ever do this again, Malfoy" Blaise spoke up, "I will literally 'Avada Kedavra' you" Pansy completed making us laugh.

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