𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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"Yo-You love me?"

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"Yo-You love me?"


After Draco and I had an amazing shower, I left the bathroom when Draco was wearing his clothes, "See you at the party!" I said and headed out, only to see George leaving.

"Georgie!" I shouted as he stopped and turned around, "Where are you going?" I asked running to him, "Home" He said grumpily, "Aww, are you mad at me because Gryffindor lost?" I said cupping his cheek.

"Are you and Marvin dating?" He asked folding his hands over his chest, "Wha— Why are you asking me that?" I asked as I stood up straight, "Because after you went to shower, he entered the room too" He said looking down at me.

"No!" I said quickly, "Marvin and I are not dating!" I said defensively, trying to keep all of his attention on me so he wouldn't see Draco leaving.

"Yeah?" He said scoffing, "Then what is this?" He turned my head to the side and pointed at a hickey that Draco left. When I didn't say anything, George scoffed again, "I thought you'd tell me and even if you didn't, or like forgot for some reason... I never thought you'd lie to me" He said as tears filled my eyes, threatening to fall down.

Why is this hurting me so much?

"I thought we were closer than that, love" He mumbled leaving me alone in the grounds. "Cordelia!" I heard Draco call me so I quickly wiped my tears and turned around, "Why are you standing here?" He asked putting an arm around me.

Since it was just us, I didn't mind, plus it felt like I was about to cry.

"Why were you crying?" I turned around to face him, "How'd you know?" I asked as he smiled, "I saw you wiping your tears" He said running a thumb across my cheek.

"George left angry because he thinks that Marvin and I are dating" I mumbled as he pulled me closer. "He saw Marvin entering right after I did, so..." We reached the gate and he turned me around.

"It'll be okay" He mumbled pressing his lips on my forehead. "See you at the party?" I asked looking up at him, "I might stop by" He said leaning in to kiss my lips.

"What the hell?!" We both pulled away when we heard someone. "Ced" I mumbled as he looked angrier than ever. "Oh, Rowena" I said as Draco pulled me closer.

"Get your hands off of her!" Cedric yelled at Draco as he pulled out a wand. "Why'd you pull out your wand for everything?" I asked coming in front of Draco. "He obviously has some spell on you!"

I rolled my eyes as Cedric cast a revealing spell on me, "You happy?" Draco asked pulling me to him, "It's just a protective spell... from him?" Cedric said making me smile at Draco.

HEIMAT || A D.M & T.F FANFIC ||Where stories live. Discover now