𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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"He's my best friend, Draco"

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"He's my best friend, Draco"


I was walking to DADA when I bumped into someone, "Lia-" I started walking to class again, as I saw Marvin. "Please! Lia, just talk to me" He said stopping me again, "Marvin, I have nothing to talk to you about" I said as he followed behind.

"Please, I'm sorry!" He said making me stop, "Sorry? Marvin, really?" I scoffed and turned around, "Sorry doesn't even justify what you did" I said as he walked closer to me, "You don't deserve him" He said making me shake my head, "You deserve someone so much better"

"By that you mean someone who kisses someone else's girlfriend" I said as he tried explaining, "He's a fucking bully, Lia! He's been bullying you ever since the first year, why are you even with him?" He said as the other students started looking at us.

"Because I fucking fell in love with him!" I yelled and I thank Rowena that we were just outside Ravenclaw Tower and not anywhere in the commons. He tried taking my hand, "No! Marvin, from now, you're maintaining your distance. Quidditch season is almost done and as far as Prefect duties go, we'll only talk about them and that is it!" I said and walked away with tears in my eyes. 

I thought he was my friend.

I walked to class and looked at the empty chair next to me. Once again, Draco was not attending today, but doesn't matter, I'm going to spend the nights with him. I smiled as I saw Pansy, "Hey, Parkinson" I said as she just nodded, "What is it?" I asked she sat with Blaise, "Malfoy..." he spoke up.

"He sort of lost it, this morning" I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?" I asked as I thought I just saw him this morning and he was fine. "You-Know-What might be troubling" He said making me nod, "Why is Pansy almost looking like she's going to cry?" I asked as she quickly looked at me.

"I'm not!" She said with tears in her eyes, "He lashed out on her" Blaise explained as I pulled the poor girl into a hug, "I'll talk to him, Pansy" I mumbled as she wrapped her arms around me, "I don't need you too" Blaise and I chuckled at her.

She's a big softie.


"What are you doing?" Ced asked as I wrote a letter to George, "Writing a letter to George" I said as he fed his owl, "Aren't you supposed to that before you come here?" He said making me roll my eyes, "I was sending a letter to Mum and Dad letting them know I might not come for the Christmas break and I thought to write to George since we had a fight"

Dear Georgie,

How are you doing? We haven't talked since the last Ravenclaw-Gryffindor match, so I thought I'd ask how the shop was doing? I hope it's going great. I was not going to write this letter but...

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