Authors Note

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Hi my lovelies! I just wanted to make one quick Authors Note, which will probably be my last for this book, at least for a while.

I wanted to address a few things!

1. This book is still being updated for grammar issues, I wrote this when I was like 13 so it isn't the best grammar, but I'm working on it!

2: Yes! I am planning on working on a TLOU2 book! I still haven't finished the game, let alone touched my ps4 in months! I promise as soon as I finish it I'll get a start on the book, I just want to experience it all for the first time without spoilers. It's coming!

3. Yes! I am also planning on writing Detroit: Become Human, I have to revisit the game because I also haven't played that in years, I need to remember how it goes! As soon as I do that, I'll also start on that.

4. My Fred Weasley fanfiction is LIVE ! It's called The Fire and the Flame, you should be able to find it under my profile. Please, if you're a Harry Potter freak like me, give it a read! I'm so excited to write the book, and I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out so far. It's still a work in progress, and will be for quite a while. Currently there are 3 Chapters that are live, I'm trying to update it as much as I can.

Finally, thank you for your continued love and support, and helping me slowly achieve my goal of wanting to be noticed on Wattpad! I appreciate it so much, each and every one of you.

Thank you thank you thank you!

Give "The Fire and the Flame" a read, and let me know if I can improve it at all,

Lots of love!





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