Chapter XXXVI

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Joel's POV

I wake up and I'm on a sandy beach.

"Henry! He's awake!" I hear Sam yell.

Someone touches my shoulder.

"Hey, you. We're alive." I hear Ellie's voice, then I open my eyes and slowly sit up and hear Henry laughing.

"See? What'd I tell you huh? He's good, everything's fine." I get up. "You know, Sam's the one that spotted you." I walk to Henry. "You guys have taken quite a bit of water, when-" I cut him off and push him onto the ground. "What the fuck's wrong with you?" I take Henry's gun and point it at him.

"Henry!" Sam yells and I point the gun at him.

"Get back, son!" I yell at Sam.

"It's fine-" I point the gun at Henry again. "Hey, hey, hey, hey..." Henry points at me. "He's pissed but he's not gonna do anything."

"You sure about that?" I ask harsh.

"Stop!" Sam yells.

"Joel." Ellie touches my shoulder comfortingly.

"He left us to die out there." I say the gun still pointed at Henry.

"No. You had a good chance of making it, and you did." Henry points out. "But coming back for you meant putting him at risk." He points at Sam. "Stay back." I keep pointing the gun at him. "If it was the other way, would you have come back for us? I saved you."

Ellie looks at me. "He saved me too."

I look at Ellie.

"We would've drowned." She points out and I throw the gun at Henry. Sam gets down next to Henry.

"It's fine, I'm okay." Henry tells Sam. They both get up. Henry looks at me. "Y'know, for what it's worth, I'm really glad we spotted you. Now, that radio tower is on the other side of this cliff. Okay? Place is gonna be full of supplies. You're gonna be really happy you didn't kill me."

We walk through the sand.

"Hey, we're gonna search this area. See what we come up with." Henry assures.

"That was intense. You cool?" Ellie asks and we walk the other way from Henry and Sam.

"Yeah. Let's go find that radio tower." I answer and we walk towards a boat.

"Hey, maybe we could find something in that boat over there." We run down a hill and leap over a tree. I keep running and get to the boat and lift myself onto it.

"Whoa." Ellie says when she gets up onto it.

"What?" I ask.

"First time on a boat."

I laugh a little. "Well, it's a little bit different in the water." I open the door to a pirates cabin and loot some things.

"One step at a time."

I get out of the boat and walk around. When I see Henry and Sam by a sewer, I lift myself onto the grass.

"Gimme a hand with this." Henry orders me to. I walk to the gate of the sewer.

"Alright, same time. Come on." I tell him and we lift the gate. "Alright, c'mon kids. Go." I demand and Ellie and Sam lift themselves into the sewer.

"Alright, here we go." I step into the sewer and lift the gate from the other side. Henry walks into the sewer and I lower the gate. We walk through the sewers.

"Joel. We should see what's over here." Ellie points out as we walk to the right and Henry and Sam walk to the left. "I'm not a fan of this place."

"Me neither. But we ain't got much of a choice." I answer her and hop over a pipe and then up a ramp. I walk to a gate and push on it but notice that it's blocked by something. "It's blocked." I turn to Ellie. I walk to a vent.

"If you can get it open, I can crawl through and clear that door." I bend down and tear the vent open. "Ah.. Yeesh. That is a big rat." I turn and look at Ellie and then she gets on all fours and crawls through the vent. Ellie goes through and pulls the thing that's blocking my way out,

"And..." She pulls the gate open. "Voila." I walk through.

I walk up some stairs and then loot some things.

"Do you think they'll join us all the way to Tommy's?" Ellie asks and I keep looting.

"Well, I don't know. We're just gonna have to see how everything pans out." I pick up a note and it says;

I'm gone for a few months and the world doesn't waste any time going to shit. Everywhere you turn they're infected - and non-infected - trying to kill you. Mankind is back to the food chain, baby! I'm kind of shocked I've survived this long.

These sewers seem pretty safe. Limited exits/entrances make it easier to defend, and if anyone gets in here, I can lose them in the maze. I might not be tough, but I am quick. Maybe I just need to hide my time down here until it all gets sorted up there. I think I'll become a sewer mole-man for a while. Wish me luck.


I walk back down and out the gate and then walk back to Henry and Sam.

"Hey, this way. Looks like there's a path up ahead. Right here." Henry points out and we follow him. We walk down a corridor and get to a balcony.

"Can we get out this way?" Sam asks and I walk down some stairs.

"Nah. There's no way to reach that." Henry answers.

"Well, I can't swim."

"That makes two of us." Ellie agrees and I turn a wheel but the gate it's attached to doesn't budge.


Chapter 36! You're welcome for another update. I won't update again tonight but maybe tomorrow or something. I ended this chapter bad but oh well. I'm still sick and volleyball is still going on so I may update in a while but I'm not sure.





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