Authors Note

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Hey guys!! Long time no seeee!!! I'm writing this Authors Note to just thank all of you, and give a lil update. I'm not about all that mushy gushy stuff but it might just come out.

I just want to start off by giving you all a life update! Last time I checked I believe I haven't touched this book for like 2 years? I have absolutely no idea. But right now, I am currently a Junior in high school, big year for me. I had a rough event come into my life in December of 2016, my best friend committed suicide on December 8th. As you would all think, this hit me so so hard. I haven't been the same since, I've sprouted depression and my anxiety has gotten 1000x worse, and I've had fall out with my grades since then and I'm not doing the best but I'm trudging and trying my hardest for Bella, and for my school year. I want to do the best I can for the remainder of the year. But today I finally re-downloaded the app wattpad on my phone and I was so overwhelmingly filled with happiness when I saw the 300+ notifications of all of you, and I can't thank all of you enough, which is the whole purpose of this Authors Note.

I first want to thank all of you for 27k reads! Thats absolutely insane to me, I really didn't expect this book to be so big. I also want to thank so many of you for the nice comments. I just spent a really long time reading and replying to as many of the comments I could! The turn out of this book is so much greater than I had expected and I really cannot believe it. I can't even fathom how crazy it is.

I also want to give a special shoutout to @ghoul_07 for your amazing comment of "Naughty Dog should work with you in publishing this as an Official Novel publication." I read your comment and the greatest feeling ever just rushed over me. Of course, I wish there was a way to reach out to them and ask, but thats a very high thing to ask. Thank you for making my night :)

So, to conclude, I just want to thank all of you. I wish I could thank all of you individually but that would take such a long time. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also, I started my own YouTube channel and I'm going to start making makeup, DIY, and of course tags on it.  Thank you all again for your incredible support on this book, and all I have to do now is update the grammar issues and this book will oficially be finito! I also need some other book ideas, maybe about someone dealing with depression or something emotional like that because it relates to something in my life.

Thank you all for the constant support and everything you did to make this book come to where it is now. Keep it up! :)





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