Chapter LII

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Ellie's POV

"You're gonna pay for that you fucking brat!" Another guy threatens. I back up so I can see him behind the boulder. I shoot him with my rifle. I reload and after saying my final goodbyes to Callus, I walk down a path. It heads downhill and I see an abandoned house. I hop through the window and loot a little. I walk downstairs and I hear a guy talking.

'Are we really gonna kill her? David says he wants her alive.'

'He doesn't make that call. James told me it's the girl from the University. How many of our guys were killed there?' I walk outside and hide behind a wooden railing on the porch.

'Oh shit. I didn't know that was her. Screw David then. I ain't taking a chance with this.' I hear their voices come closer.

Two other guys start talking. There's four of them. Shit.

'I just want to finish up and go home. I'm freezing my ass off.'

'I'm gonna go over here. You guys check the cabin.' I retreat back in the cabin, which I know doesn't seem like a good idea, but I have a plan.

I hide behind a wall by the door I was at and a guy comes through the door. His back is turned towards me and I shoot him with my bow. He drops a weapon and some ammo, and I pick them up. A shotgun. Hell yeah. I hear some guys foot steps and I hide below a window, waiting for him to enter the cabin. I take my bow out again and shoot him too. I shoot another guy outside. Then I walk through the door again and shoot the other guy. That's all of them.

"Okay. Where do I go?" I ask myself and I just go forward. I lift myself onto another porch and I go through another window that leads to a house. I loot some more and I exit the house and see more guys. I shoot one guy from afar and think I'm good, but other guys start shouting. Well, fuck. I walk back on the porch and hide, and I shoot a guy with my rifle, then I shoot his buddy. I see a diner and I go in and loot some things, then walk up some stone steps.

I walk up some more.

"Nature Track... Okay, that should get me out of here." I mumble to myself and go forward. I get to a bridge and it's broken and I walk onto the thin part that's still there and slowly move across. "Okay, don't fall in the water. Don't fall in." I get across. "Oh, shit..." I continue walking forward, following the track. I keep going forward and jump down the hill and I see a pipe. I walk through it. I walk a little and see another pipe, and walk through and turn on my flashlight. "Agh..." I walk forward and see some wood. "Agh... This damn thing is blocking me." I turn around and exit out the way I came in and walk to what seems to be a crate that was blocking me. I take hold of it and pull it back, then walk through the pipe again. I'm on a wooden balcony and I see a hill. "That's the way back. Hang in there, Joel." I jump down and wonder a little and I see more guys to kill.

I kill a few guys and pick up some ammo then walk forward after going up some steps. I kill two guys with my bow but there's a few more. Oh, shit. I shoot a third guy and then I lift myself onto a tall wooden thing and jump down from a hole in the building. "Don't wanna get trapped in here." I loot a little in one room, and then I hop through a window that leads to another room and I loot more in there. I keep going forward.

'Shes on this side of the lodge!' A guy shoots at me from a window and one comes through a door, I shoot him with my rifle and I go through a set of doors. I loot some more and I hide behind some couches that are tipped over, and another guy comes running at me but I shoot him with my rifle as well.

I walk to a pair of double doors but it's blocked by something. I start pushing on the door and I get it open but someone grabs me from behind. His arm is around my neck and I take out my switchblade.

"Relax..." The man chokes out. And starts to make his grip tighter. "I'm keeping you alive here." I feel all the air stop from coming from my lungs and I pass out. "There you go..." I hear faintly, but then I'm out cold.


Chapter 52. Oh noooo! Who was the guy? I finally updated you're so welcome. lol something was going on with my Wattpad earlier today and it was like I have 1.3k reads then I refreshed it and it was like I have 1.4k reads and then I refreshed it again and it said 1.5k reads and I logged out and logged back in then when I checked again it said that I had 1.3k reads again. Like what. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this kinda short chapter and I'll try to update again.




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