Chapter XX

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Joel's POV

We've been walking for a while now, kind of feels like days.

"Now there we go..." I point out and look down a railing on the street. "Yeah, it'll be faster to go through here." I climb over it and jump down and I hear Ellie jump down after me. I walk.

"Man..." Ellie says.

"What?" I respond.

"Nothing. It's just, I've never seen anything like this, that's all."

"You mean the woods?"

"Yeah. Never walked through the woods." We continue to walk along a path. "It's kinda cool." I keep walking and I see a bird fly away.

"Why don't you just take me back to Marlene?" Questions Ellie

"If she was up to the task, why'd she drop you off on us?" I answer.

"Well, maybe she's better now." We keep walking.

"Kid, I don't mean to upset you, but your friends chances of survival weren't too high to begin with."

"She's a lot tougher than you think." I continue walking.

"It don't matter. 'Cause I doubt I could get either one of us back into the city in one piece. Trust me. I wish there was some other option." I walk up a hill and I see a fence, I walk to it and pull on it. Locked.

"Well shit."

"Should we climb it?"

"No, wire on top of it. We gotta find a way to go around." I walk around and I see a building.

"Whoa, look." I turn to her. "Fireflies. I mean real Fireflies."

"Yeah, I see that."

"Sorry, I... I lost myself for a sec." I hop onto a crate then onto a building.

"Let me get up here, and I'll get a look." I stand on the building and see a melee weapon. I pick it up. A pipe with scissors taped to the end. "Yeah..." I get back down from the building and find a plank of wood. I place it on the side of the building then I hop back on the crate and on the building and place the plank across a gap.

"Here we go." I walk across the plank and wait for Ellie on top of another small building. I look and see smoke. "Is that you, Bill?"

"Where do you usually meet him?"

"Huh? Different places."

"You've never been here have you?"

"I know this is where he lives, I ain't never been here, personally."

"And that smoke, you think that's him?"

"Sure as hell better be."

"Well, let's go check it out then."

I hop down from some cement and hear Clickers. I walk to a door and open it then go through.

"Through here." I walk up some stairs and loot some things. Ellie makes some weird noise and I think it's a zombie but it's just Ellie. She scared the shit outta me.

"Are you alright?" I ask,

"I'm trying to learn how to whistle."

"You don't know how to whistle?"

"Well does it sound like I know how to whistle?" She attempts to whistle again but doesn't. I walk back into a hallway and open another door that leads outside. I jump down and see another fence and try and open it,

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