Chapter XXV

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Joel's POV

We run through another set of doors, and the one we were blocking opens.

"They've broken through!" I yell as Ellie and I push the door. She runs to Bill. I push on the door and it locks. We walk down a school hallway.

"Let's um... We'll sneak out the back." Bill suggests.

"You two, follow me. I'll get us outta here." I tell them as we walk down a hall. I focus my hearing and there's a lot of zombies. Oh shit.

"Be my guest." Bill responds. We kill a couple of them.

"Down the hall, I bet we can cut through these classrooms." Bill suggests. "There's a way through, we gotta get past those guys." I focus my hearing. Three more of them. I sneak past two and stab one. "Looks like there's a path down this hallway!" Bad idea. More infected attack us.

We kill some more fuckers and I patch myself up. We walk down the hallway.

"Whoa, scary." Ellie mumbles and I walk to a door and try and open it but it's blocked.

"Help me open this." I say motioning to Bill.

"Alright, ready?" He walks to me and helps me push on the door. After pushing it a few times we get through and I push what was in front of it back.

"C'mon." I say.

"Shit. There's more on the way. Barricade the doors." Bill says. I push a rack with wrestling mats in front of the door.

"This ain't gonna hold them for long." I hear something loud. "That don't sound good." We all turn our heads and look at another door. The door opens and a giant thing comes through. A bloater. "Oh, no."

"What the fuck is that?" Ellie asks as she runs to the side and hides.

"It's a god damn bloater!" Bill responds.

"A what?"

"Ellie, take cover." The bloater throws a spore bomb at me.

"What the fuck is it throwing at us?" Ellie asks.

"Ellie - just stay away from it!" I answer and I throw a Molotov at the bloater. It ignites it in flames but it still doesn't die. "We gotta get up there!" I motion to some bleachers that are in front of an open window.

"We can't climb these bleachers with all the infected around!" Bill yells. The bloater continues throwing spore bombs at me and I start to shoot at it with my shotgun. I keep hitting and it starts to chase me. I outrun him. I just need to shoot this motherfuckers head off. I shoot his head twice and he falls to the ground, dead.

"There." I say.

"Ah, geez... What was up with that big guy?" Ellie asks.

"He's been infected for a long time. We call them bloaters."

"Bloater... Okay. Got it."

"I hate to interrupt your little biology lesson, but can we get the fuck outta here? Please?" Bill asks. We walk to the bleachers. "Let's get on top of these bleachers. Gimme a boost, Joel." Bill tells me and I squat down and hold out my hands.

"Let's go people." I say.

"Alright." I lift him up.

"Here we go." I push Ellie to them and Bill reaches down.

"Alright, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon." He lifts her up. "Joel behind ya!" I turn behind me and see some infected.

"Holy shit." Ellie says.

"I got it! I got it!" I answer.

I kill the three of them and walk to the bleachers. "Oh, I fucking hate those things!" Ellie yells. Yeah so does every one, Ellie.

"Alright, you got 'em. Let's go. Come on up." Bill says and pulls me up. "There." We jump through the window and jump down. "This way!" We run. "We're sitting ducks here." We go through a fence.

"There's another ladder over here." Ellie says.

"Keep going! I'm right behind you!" I answer as they both climb up. I climb up after them and jump down. Bill takes a rake and knocks the ladder down.

"Inside the house. Now!" He yells and we go inside a house.

"So, that worked out well." Ellie says when we get into the house and Bill shuts the door. I look at Ellie. "Okay, ah. I'll go check out this side of the house." She walks away and I walk to Bill.

"Bill?" I ask angrily.

"Somebody had the same idea. They stole my shit." He answers.

"Well then what the hell is plan B?"

"You ought to be thankful you're still drawing breath! That was plan A, B, C, all the way to fucking Z. And furthermore, tell Tess that she can take this job-"

"Don't you bring Tess into this!" I point at him.

"-she can shove it right up-"

"This has nothing to do with-!" Bill stops arguing and looks behind me, his eyes wide.


Dun. Dun. Dun. What is Bill looking at? I'm writing the next chapter right now. If you guys are wondering what a Bloater is, I'll tell ya. A bloater is a big guy who's been infected for years, who has a bunch of fungal plates growing on its body that are used as armor. That's why they take so long to kill. I've told you what spores are. If you breath them in you could easily die, they're toxic gases that infected people let off. Except in this case, the bloater has the ability to throw big balls of them that explode. Kind of like a bomb of Spores, yeah? That's why I say a 'spore bomb'. So yeah that's what a bloater is. Oh and I would really appreciate if you guys commented on the book, you know, told me what you think. Thank you!


(You see I added something, hm?)


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