Chapter IV

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Joel's POV

"Marlene lookin' for Robert? What do you make of that?" Tess questions as we continue walking.

"I don't like it. We better find him before the Fireflies do." We turn into a room.

"This is us." Our friend is sitting on the couch.

"Hey, guys. How's it going?" He asks.

Tess sighs. "Shit's stirring up out there. How we lookin' over here?"

"Ah, it's been quiet. No signs of military or infected."

"That's what I like to hear." Tess walks over to the tv. "Joel, give me a hand with this." I walk to the other side of the tv. She pushes and I pull until the tv is well out of the way of the hole on the wall. Our friend speaks once more.

"Y'all take it easy out there." Tess and I go through the hole.

"Agh, god, this place reeks. They need to watch what they throw away down here." It's pretty dark, but Tess turns on a light. "Let there be light." We walk down another corridor. "Let's grab our gear." We walk to the table where our things usually are. "Our backpacks are still here from last time." I walk to my bag and pick up a gun, reloading the ammo.

"Not a lot of ammo."

"Well, make your shots count." I stuff my bag with everything I need, pick it up, and put it on my shoulders. We walk to a high wall.

"Alright, Texas. Boost me up." I walk to the wall and squat down.


"Yes ma'am." I say and Tess steps on my hands and I boost her up. She climbs up the wall and reaches down.

"C'mon." She says and pulls me up.

I lift up a wooden board that covers our entrance, checking for any patrols or infected, and I see it's clear.

"Go on up." I say and Tess jumps up and climbs up. She holds the board for me.

"Got it." I pull myself up and set down the board quietly. I see Tess run to the door.

"Be careful."

"When am I not?"

I laugh slightly. "That a trick question?" I follow Tess, and continue talking to her.

"Ain't been out here in awhile." I look around and see buildings, trees and nature. We walk forward.

"It's like we're on a date."

"Well, I'm the romantic type."

"You got your ways." We walk along the grass and rocks. "Where's the ladder?"

"It's gotta be around here somewhere." I continue to walk around and see the ladder on the ground in front of a building.

"Got it!"

"Great. Bring it over." I pick up the ladder and walk over to Tess, placing it against the brick building.

"Ladies first." I motion to the ladder.

"Lady? You must be thinking of someone else." Tess says as she climbs the ladder.

I chuckle. "It's all relative." I climb the ladder. "This way."

I get up and follow Tess. She's standing on the top of some stairs.

"Down this way." We walk downstairs. "You think Roberts still got our guns?" I answer Tess, "For his sake. He better." I turn the corner into a dark hallway. Tess advises me, "Look, once we get our merchandise back, it should be easy to unload." I turn on my flashlight.

"Speaking of merchandise, when's that next shipment due?" I ask.

"Well, we're meeting Bill next month, more pills, lots of ammo, supposedly."

"Yeah, well he always shows up with somethin'. Should keep us busy for a while." We walk into a room and spores abruptly blur my vision.

"Hold up, spores." Tess says almost reading my mind and we both put on our gas masks. I walk forward.

"Where the hell are all these comin' from. Place was clear last time." I walk through a hole in the wall. "They're coming outta somethin'. Stay alert."

I look in front of me and see a dead body. Infected.

"There's our culprit."

"Body's not that old. Better keep your eyes and ears open." I turn and walk away from the dead body. 

"We should be able to fit through here." I point out as I reach for a plank of wood, and it collapses. I back away.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Damn ceilings falling apart. Be careful." I walk forward. "This way." I squeeze through an opening in the wall, and Tess follows. "Easy..." I whisper and hear coughing. "Jesus!" I stumble back as I see a man on the ground, "Watch it. Watch it." I pull Tess away. 

"Help me..." He says coughing. "My mask broke." He's stuck under something and he seems to be struggling to move. "Don't... Don't leave me to turn. Please."

"What do you wanna do?" Asks Tess. I shoot him in the head. She sighs, "Poor bastard."


Aaaaaaand there's chapter four. Here's your little history lesson. Spores are formed by the cordyceps fungus which caused the infection, and if you inhale it you're no better than dead, hence the reason Joel shot him. Chapter 5 should be up soon. I'm just excited to update so that's why I'm updating nonstop.





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