Chapter XI

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Joel's POV

I look forward and see a car coming but not just any car.

"Oh, shit. Tess, run. RUN! " I take her hand and pull her. She leans to Ellie.

"Go. Go! Move!" Tess says and grabs Ellie and we all run. I jump down into the ditch both of them following. I look up and hear the car. I hear the door opening and I turn around and I hear two people talking.

"Holy Shit!" One says.

"I got two dead uniforms. I repeat. I got two casualties in Sector Twelve. Requesting immediate backup." We duck under a truck.

"Follow me. Quickly." Tess says. We duck behind a car and I hear alarms. "Alright, Ellie. When I give you the signal, we run." We wait a moment. "Now. Run." We both get from behind the car and run to Tess. We duck behind a car and then jump down again. "Stay away from those lights." We run and I jump over some rocks. We keep running and I duck under something and run. "Ellie, it's gonna be another sprint. You ready?

"Sure. Yeah." Answers Ellie. We run and go into a pipe. I walk through it.

"Goddammit. They're everywhere." I say and jump down from the pipe.

"Soldiers. Right there!" Tess says and I hear a soldier.

He says, "They must've gotten through. Check the trenches!" We walk along quietly in the trenches.

"Just stay back." I assure them. I hear another soldier speak.

"I don't see anything down there. Are we sure they came this way?" We turn and walk, staying low. I hear another soldier.

"Unless we're told otherwise. We just keep scanning."

"Stay down. Don't let 'em see you." I tell them both as we continue crouching. I see a soldier on a ledge and he almost sees me with his flashlight. I get under the ledge, hiding behind a wall. I decide it's the right time and sprint to a pipe I see. I walk through and stay close to the walls of the trenches. I walk straight but a soldier sees me and starts shooting, missing me.

I made it to a place where there's lots of water and hop onto a ledge. I walk and climb up yet another ledge.

"Shh..shh...shh." Tess says.

"I hear 'em up ahead." I answer. We walk around, jumping down and walking. I see a garage with a chain to pull and walk to it. "We can get through here." I say while pulling the chain. "Down through here."

"Okay, c'mon." Tess says. "C'mon, Ellie. Okay..." They make it through and Tess holds it up for me and I go through. We hide behind a wall. I hear another soldier.

"Yes, Sargeant."

"Oh shit, another patrol. Everybody get down." Tess instructs us and we hide behind a cop car.

"There's so many of them out here." Ellie points out and I sprint to a Tank and hide behind it. Then I run and hide behind a desk. I open it up and get a med pack. I pick up a brick and hide again.

I focus my hearing and I notice there's a soldier.

"Oh shit, they're in here with us." Ellie whispers.

"See if you can distract 'em." Tess tells me.

"Alright." I answer. I see the soldier come out. I sneak up behind him and grab him by his neck and strangle him.

"Oh my god." I hear Ellie.

"I see more lights." Tess warns.

"Shit." I answer and hide. I see another soldier and sneak up to him and grab him, then strangle him. I move forward and hide behind another wall. I notice a guy on a building walk away and I sprint to another place and take cover. I sprint and jump down into the trenches once again.

I walk and go through a pipe, coming out into a building.

"Yeah, this looks right." Tess says. "Stay close." We walk up some stairs.

"Well, at least we're out of the rain." I tell them.

"How's it look?" Tess questions.

"I think we can squeeze through here." I go through a tiny hole and hear a soldier.

"Charlie Squad, report."

"Shit, shit. I got more soldiers."

"Targets still on the loose sir!" A soldier says.

"Break off pursuit and report back to Sector Eleven." Another one says.

"I don't think they see us." I assure.

"Acknowledged. Get to your vehicles!" Another soldier says.

"Stay in the shadows." I say and slowly creep out of the hole.

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