Authors Note

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Hey y'all! Long time no seeeee!! How has every one been? The reason I'm making this is because some people had commented on this story saying that they wish more people made books off of video games - so I came to ask you guys if you would like it if I wrote more books like this about video games!! If you think it's a good idea and would read my stories and make them as big as a hit as The Last of Us leave in the comments some video game ideas!! I really like the idea of writing more books like this, and I hope you guys enjoy it as well.

I also am gonna give you guys a lil update about life. So I am now the tHRIVING 18 years old! I'm in my second semester as a freshman in college! Fricking crazy. I remember when I first wrote this book I was literally like 14! But my major is psychology and I'm hoping to minor in criminal justice!! Also I know in my last A/N I mentioned I made a YouTube channel.. but I have uploaded to no avail... lol. I finally got a new camera and tripod so I'm ACTUALLY gonna make a YouTube channel. If you guys have video ideas you can also comment them down below :)))

Anyways that's a very very small update about me, the main point of this was to take recommendations. Which video game books would you guys like to read???

Let me know down below!
And as alwayss

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