Chapter XXVIII

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Joel's POV

I lean back and I feel dizzy.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." Ellie says.

"Then get out, quick." I command. She unbuckles her seatbelt and a guy opens her door and grabs her.

"C'mere you!" He growls.

"Shit!" I say and grab Ellie.

"Let go of me, you chicken shit!" She yells. A guy grabs my head and pulls me and I let go of Ellie. She screams.

"Joel!" The guy grabs me and pushes me on the ground. He grabs behind the neck with one hand and my arm with the other and he drags me and pushes me out a window. He's still holding me, but the window is shattered and he starts pushing my neck towards a piece of glass.

I pull myself away and elbow him in the face then take him by the neck and pushes him down at the glass and it slits his throat. He holds his neck and falls to the ground. I hear Ellie yell and the guy is pulling her away. She bites his arm and she faces him and he slaps her in the face. Oh hell fucking no, nobody touches Ellie like that! I sprint to him.

"I'll show you, I'll show you." He says.

"Get off of me!" Ellie yells. I run to him and kick him in the face, he falls to the ground. I grab him by the back of the neck and crash his head on a table twice and he dies. Ellie is coughing and I help her up.

"Motherfucker!" She coughs out.

"Come on." I answer.

"What is wrong with these guys?" I pull her and walk her to the car.

"Catch your breath." I reach into the car and grab her backpack and throw it to her. "We're leaving."

"' 'kay" she says and I grab mine.

"Watch out!" She yells and a bullet shatters the glass of the window on the car and we run and hide behind a counter.

I shoot a bunch of guys.

"Alright... I think that's the last of them. You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Good. Now let's get the hell out of here. You know the drill, look around and see if there's anything we could use."

"Roger that." I loot a couple of things. I walk out. "Agh. Hey - maybe we can go through here." I find her and she's standing in front of a garage. Good thinking Ellie. I squat down and I lift up the garage

"Aggh.. Come on." I lift it up enough for Ellie to fit under. "Alright, go. See if you can get it propped open with somethin'"

"Um... There's some pretty gnarly stuff in here."


"Right." She walks to the chain which is on the other side and pulls on it. "Okay, go!" She says and I go under the garage. I hold it up.

"Alright, I got it, I got it, I got it." I set it down gently.

"Look." I look and see a bunch of bodies on tables that are all skinny, and decapitated.

"Fucking hunters. See, this could've been us."

I loot some things and I pick up something. A smoke bomb.

"Man, that is a lot of people who didn't make it." Ellie points out.

"I knew I should've turned the damn truck around."

"We lived."

"Barely. C'mon let's get out of here." I walk through a door and up some stairs.

"How did you know?" Ellie asks.

"Know what?"

"About the ambush."

"I've been on both sides."

"Oh." I open another door at the top of 3 flights of stairs. "So, ah, you kill a lot of innocent people?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

I walk into another room and loot a few more things.

"I guess this is where the assholes sleep. I mean slept." Ellie points out. I walk around a little and go through a door and looting things on my way. I walk into a hallway and open the door at the end of the hall. I kick it open and loot more things. I walk to a workbench and upgrade my weapon holster for my long guns. I grab a map from a wall, leave the room, and then open another door.

I walk to a pile of dead bodies.

"Oh, I don't think these guys were infected." Ellie says.

"It don't matter. Let's just keep moving." I walk up some stairs and look to the bridge. "All right. There's the bridge, that's our way out of here." Ellie climbs over the railing and down. "Hey, Ellie, slow down. Wait for me." I jump over and down.

"What? I'm right here."

"How 'bout you let me go first. And keep your voice down."



And yet, another sucky way to end a chapter WHOO! There's chapter 28. So guys. You've met Bloaters, Runners, Clickers, and now Hunters. What could be next?





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