Chapter XXXV

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Joel's POV

We walk through a couple of rooms.

"This way." Henry points out and I follow him. We all walk down a couple of flights of stairs and go through a door. "Yo, Joel, there's a guy on that light over there."

"I see 'em." I answer. We hide behind tables and I see two guards talking to each other. Henry and I sneak up on them and I strangle one of them, while Henry strangles the other. I walk outside the building followed by Henry while Ellie and Sam hang back. I walk outside and see a couple of guards. There's only one near me so I strangle him and then hide in a corner.

I strangle a few of the guards and shoot some others with my bow. I run back to catch up with Ellie and Sam, then walk back outside and to a gate.

"Henry, give me a hand with this." I say.

"Alright." Henry answers and we start to open the gate doors. I turn my head and see the truck. "Oh no."

"Ah, shit."

"Come on!" We push open the doors, walk through them, shut them, and lock them partially. We run down.

"Wait, wait, wait." Sam points out and I see a guard. Henry shoots him.

"Come on everyone." Henry says and we run to a truck.

"Keep your eyes open. We ain't outta this mess yet." I assure. I bend down by the truck. "Alright, check it out." I lift up Henry onto the truck. He looks ahead.

"We're good. Sam, let's go." Henry says.

"Alright kid, come on." I lift Sam up onto the truck. The tuck starts to hit the gate we closed,

"Oh shit." I lift up Ellie and she grabs the ladder but it breaks. "Ellie!" Henry helps her up and Ellie looks down at me.

"Okay, we gotta get him up." She says.

"Ah..." Henry says and paces a little. "I'm sorry. We're leaving."

"What?" Sam asks.

"What? This is bullshit!" Ellie snaps. Henry starts to run. "What the fuck, Henry!" I hear the truck start shooting.

"Oh shit." I say and Ellie jumps down.

She looks at me. "We stick together."

I run to a garage and start to lift up the door. The truck comes through and is shooting. Shit shit shit. I lift up the door.

"C'mon, into the building! Let's go!" I shout.

"Okay." Ellie answers and climbs under the door. Ellie takes hold of the door and holds it up for me as I slide under it, and she drops it.

"Agh, how the fuck do we get outta here?" Ellie asks. I loot a little. I walk to a bar and I hear some more hunters talking.

I kill them all and I look around for supplies. I pick up some things and craft a little then I walk to a door and open it, which is blocked by a chain.

"Come on, let's go under it." I tell Ellie and she walks under it and I follow her. We get out and the truck is hitting the gate. Ellie and I start running and the truck breaks through, it starts shooting at us. We run and leap over some plastic construction cones and run. I run and trip.

"Joel!" Ellie yells and I get up and keep running. The truck is still shooting at us. I keep running and go behind a truck then leap over some concrete. I keep running but we stop when we see the bridge is broken.

"Oh shit." I say.

"Oh fuck." Ellie says. I look back,

"How many bullets do you have left."

"They're gonna kill us."

I look at her. "What other choice do we have?"

"We jump." She motions to the water. I shake my head.

"No, it's too high and you can't swim. I'll boost you up; you run past 'em." She looks at the water again and the truck moves closer to us.It veers and hits a bus that knocks a car down into the water.

"Oh shit." Ellie says.

"Oh my god." I say.

Ellie looks at me. "You'll keep me afloat."

"Ellie." I put my hand up.

"No time to argue." She turns, runs and jumps into the water.

"Ellie! Ah, damn it!" I run and jump down.

The water is moving rapidly and pulling us backwards.

"Joel!" Ellie yells and I swim to her as fast and hard as I can.

"I got you." The water makes me grab her around the neck and I turn and we're going towards some cement. "Oh no no no no no." I say and we slam against the piece of cement.


I finally updated! Here's chapter 35. I'm so sorry I didn't update any sooner. I've been busy with volleyball and I've been sick for a long time. I finally updated though you're welcome. I'd like to thank you guys for 210+ reads on this book, it means a lot to me and I love you all. I'll try and update again tonight but don't be mad if I don't.





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