Chapter XXIII

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Joel's POV

"Alright, before we go any further I got somethin' I gotta show ya." Bill tells me and I follow him to a table.

"Whatcha got?" I ask.

"New toy from the toy box." We walk to a table and he picks something up. "This... Is a nail bomb. You gotta be really careful. This thing blows, it shreds anybody standing near by."

"Yeah, I've seen your handy work." I grab the nail bomb.

"Pretty good, huh?"

"So we got shotguns and bombs. What the hell are we doing with them?"

"Well, every few weeks this military caravan rides through town." I craft another nail bomb by using some explosives and some scissors. "I assume they're out lookin' for supplies. Y- you'd be amazed at the shit that they overlook. Anyway, a few months back, they were rolling through and they got overrun by this horde of infected." I loot some things. "They were all over the truck. It plows right into the side of the high school. Still sitting there with the battery in it."

"So we take that battery and we put it in another car."

"Bingo. I wanted to get it, but it seemed to dangerous with all the infected on that part of town. But fuck it... Joel needs a car." I walk to a workbench and upgrade some of my weapons.

"Those trucks are like tanks." Bill continues. "it's just sittin' there."

"Actually might work." I walk around some more and get some more things. We walk forward and Ellie is looking at things.

"Kid, I swear to god... if you took anything-" Bill starts.

"Hey, man. I don't need any of your shit. Trust me." Ellie answers. I keep looting some things.

"Joel, you are keeping an eye on her, right?"

"Like a hawk." We walk up some stairs and through a door. We're in a church.

"Wow." Ellie says astonished.

"Nice place you got here." I tell Bill.

"Well if you got anything to confess, this'd be the place to do it." I walk into a room. "That's not the confessional booth, that's my room."

"Alright, I'm not touchin' anything. Just.." I say but I grab some things. Oops. I walk to Bill.

"Alright, time to sack up." Bill says while opening a window.

I climb through the window.

"Ellie, c'mon." I say and she climbs through.

"Look." Bill points into the distance and I look where he's pointing. "There's the school."

"Alright." I answer.


"Guess we'll find out." We jump from the little roof we were on and walk, I see a pile of rotting dead bodies.

"Oh... man." Ellie says.

"C'mon, you don't need to be lookin' at that." I answer. Poor girl..growing up in this time.

"I've seen worse."

"Alright then." I walk to Bill.

He sighs, "past this gate, it's all new territory to me."

"I'm on it." I answer as I hear clicking.

"Hey, hey, you guys hear that?" Ellie asks.

"Keep quiet." I respond.

After going through two different sections, killing some Clickers, and being extremely stealthy, we finally arrive to a gate.

"Hold up, I got a key for that gate. I suggest we move quietly." Bill assures and he unlocks a door and we walk through.

After killing some more zombies I walk to a small building and loot some things. I hide behind a fence.

"Streets blocked. Back up. Let's go through those backyards." Bill notes.

"If you guys would give me a gun, I could help you kill some of these fuckers!" Ellie complains.

"Shut up. Just shut up." Whispers Bill. I sneak past some zombies and go into another building and loot some things. I walk to a door.

"This way." I try and open it but it only opens a little. "It's tied on the other side."

"What about going through here?" Asks Ellie.

"What the doggy door?" Bill questions. I walk to the door and take some wood off the doggy door.

"Be very careful." I warn and take off the wood.

"Of course." Ellie answers crawling through the doggy door.

"Maybe you should of given her a gun." Bill reminds me.

I only answer, "Okay, Bill."

Ellie opens the door.

"There's more of those clicker things inside the house." She whispers.

"Oh, shit." I whisper back and stay low and quiet. "They ain't seen us yet. Just stay down." I focus my hearing and there's two outside. I sneak past them very quiet and get inside the house and walk to a little kitchen portion. I hide behind a counter and focus my hearing. I only can tell there's one inside. I sneak past that one and go into a bedroom and get some ammo. I walk to a garage and loot some more things.

"Alright, c'mon, let's get up. RV and over. We should be clear." I walk out and get on a wooden crate then onto an RV.

I walk across a plank into a tree house.

"Who the hell left this here? You got friends in town?" Ellie asks Bill.

"No. Although I got some idea who mighta come through here." He answers and I jump down from the tree house. "School's on the other side of this house. Let's get inside."

"C'mon, Ellie." I say and follow Bill into the house. I loot some things.

"Joel!" Bill says.

"Yeah?" I answer as I go upstairs and loot some more. Ellie walks upstairs.

"Hey, you got a second?" She asks me.


"I... I just want to say, I'm sorry. About Tess. That's it I won't bring it up again."

"Ellie, you don't need to worry about me." She sighs. "We should go check on Bill." I walk downstairs.

I walk to Bill.

"Gimme a hand with this." I hear him say and I walk into the garage and grab some arrows. I walk to Bill and help him lift the garage door. All three of us go under and Bill hides behind a car, he peeks over.

"What'd I tell ya?" He points. "There's that truck, sticking outta the school right there. C'mon." I peek around the car and Bill talks again. "There's a bunch of them up there. So try not to make a sound."


Chapter 23 guys! Another crappy ending to a chapter! But this one was super long, next chapter is probably gonna be short. Probably just a filler.





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