Chapter XXII

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Joel's POV

We walk out of the office.

"Alright. Whatever supplies you may want or need, I suggest you grab them." Bill says when we walk into a cafe.

"Alright, thank you." I respond and loot a couple of things. I walk into a room and Ellie follows.

"Man, he's got a fucking stick up his ass." Ellie says.

"Just, stay out of his way." I walk back to the café and I look at a chess board. "Hm."

"Hey, you know how to play this?" Ellie asks.

"Yeah. Pretty badly - yeah."

"I always wanted to learn."

"Hey! Bobby Fischer - don't touch anything on that board!" Yells Bill.

"Bobby what?" Ellie asks.

"Just let it go." I assure and walk to Bill.

"Found everything you need?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm good." I answer and Bill opens a door.

We walk through it and I hold it open for Ellie.

"Alright, Ellie. Come on." I assure her and she walks in.

"Don't leave the door open." Bill yells.

"I got it." I respond and shut the door, locking it. I walk up some stairs.

"We have to cross to the other building. Up the stairs. Let's move it." Bill says already at the top.

"Psh." Ellie let's out.

"Just, stay with me." I answer and get onto the top. Bill is talking to himself.

"Can't believe you agreed to this bullshit, Bill. What you shoulda done was just left them back there." I follow him. He speaks to me. "So, what kind of trouble are you in? Where the hell's Tess?"

"It's a job. A simple drop off." I respond following him.

"What are you delivering? That little brat?"

"Haha. Fuck you too." Ellie says. Bill starts to laugh and I climb over a window.

"Y'know. I hope you know what you're doin'" he says.

"Are you kidding me with this guy?" Ellie mumbles and I walk across a balcony and through another window.

"So, where we goin', Bill?" I question.

"My other safe-house. It's more of an armory."

"Wait, I thought we were gonna fix up a car?" Ellie points out.

"We? You know how to fix a-" Bill begins.

"Bill, just.." I interrupt and follow him through a hall.

"It's like I said, what I need is on the other side of town. Now, that side I don't ever go to cause it's filled with infected. So, we're gonna need more guns." We walk through a house and down two flights of stairs. We get down and I hear the noises of an infected.

"Shhh. There's one inside." I warn, and Bill just walks.

"Oh... I've been meaning to take care of that. Relax, it's nothin'." We walk through what used to be a door. "So, you didn't answer my question about Tess. I mean I thought the two of you were inseparable."

I sigh. "She's busy." Bill walks to the infected.

"Yeah, sure... Busy."

He takes his machete and slams it down once. "Sounds to-" he slices it's head off. " Like might be trouble in paradise."

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