Chapter XXXIV

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Joel's POV

We walk down a hall.

"We gotta be careful. We're right next to one of their lookout areas." Henry points out. "Is it just you and your daughter?"

"We're not related. We're more like um..." Ellie starts.

"I promised someone I would look after her." I answer Henry and we all walk down some stairs.

"Yeah, I can appreciate that." I walk around and I loot some things and pick up a comic that Ellie has been reading. We walk down some more stairs and through a door, then to another room and it looks like a toystore. Henry is by the window.

"Wait, wait. Everyone be quiet." I see the truck start to drive by and Henry ducks down. "Get away from the windows." I duck down also. Henry sighs. "They're gone."

"Man... That fuckin' truck. It's been hounding us ever since we got in this damn-" he stops and turns his head to Sam. "Sam, what're you doing?"

"Nothing." Sam answers and he has a little robot in his hands.

"Get rid of it."

"My backpack is practically empty." Henry walks to him.

"What's the rule about takin' stuff?"

"It weighs like, nothing."

"The rule - what is it?" Damn a little harsh, Henry?

"We only take what we have to." Sam throws the toy on the ground.

"That's right. Now come on." We walk.

"How far is this place?" I ask.

"Real close. Real close." Henry answers. We keep walking and he opens a door, we walk through it. Everyone hides behind something and I hear Hunters ahead.

I kill three of them and I walk outside. I hop onto a car that's by a trailer, onto the trailer then onto a wall. I look and see two Hunters run. I throw a Molotov at one and climb onto a roof then shoot the other. We walk across a wooden plank and into another building.

"Through this door." Henry says.

"And you sure it's safe, being so close to them?" I point out.

"I'm the only one with the key, man." Henry unlocks the door.

"And where'd you get that?"

"I killed one of 'em. He won't miss it now. Everybody through." We all walk through a door. "It's back here." We walk through the room.

"So... How old are you?" Sam asks Ellie.

"Me? Fourteen. How old are you?" Ellie answers.

"Ah.. The same."

"Oh, you're fourteen, huh?" Henry asks.

"I'm close." Sam responds and we walk around the room and through another door.

"Welcome to my office." Henry says extending his arm.

"How long have you guys been holed up in here?" Ellie asks.

"A few days." Sam answers. "We found a bit of food, though. Here." They walk somewhere.

"Blueberries." Henry says. "Found a whole stash of them. You want some?"

"No." I answer and look out the window.

"Hey, man, relax. We're safe." I turn to Henry.

"So why haven't you left?" I ask.

Henry shrugs. "Been waiting for the right opportunity."


"Here." Henry walks away and I watch him. "Check this out."

He walks to a window and I follow him and look out. I see a ton of soldiers walk through a gate. "Look at these sons of bitches. Every day, they congregate down there. Guarding that damn bridge. Come night time, it's down to a skeleton crew. After sunset, that's our window." He turns and looks at me. "With most of them gone, we sneak right past them."

"That could work."

"Oh, it'll work. It'll definitely work." Henry laughs a bit and I hear Ellie and Sam laugh. Henry turns to them, and so do I.

"Wow..." Henry says. Ellie throws a blueberry in the air and misses it when she tries to catch it in her mouth

"Ow." Ellie says. Sam laughs.

"A blueberry hurt you?" They both laugh.

"It's been awhile since that boy even cracked a smile." Henry says. "She doesn't seem bothered by all this." I shake my head and walk away slowly.

"So where were you headin'?"

"Heard the Fireflies are based out west somewhere." He pulls a chair and sits in it, I sit across from him. "We're gonna join up with them."


"Something funny?"

I shake my head. "Just seems like there's a lot of people putting their stock on the Fireflies these days."

"Yeah, maybe there's a reason for that."

"So you don't know where they are and you're just gonna drag him across the country to find 'em?" He scootches his chair closer to mine.

"I tell you what, how about I worry about my brother and you worry about your girl?"

I nod my head a little. "Easy. We're looking for the fireflies too." He looks at me for a while and then he pulls out a piece of paper, unfolds it, revealing a map. He lays the little map down on the table. He points to the map.

"This is us." He moves his hand and points again. "There's an abandoned military radio station, just outside the city. Any survivors from our group they're supposed to meet us there-- tomorrow." He looks at me. "You and your girl want to join us, it goes down tonight." I look at the map.

"I guess we best rest up then."

I'm sleeping and I feel someone tap my shoulder. I open my eyes and it's super dark. I look at who's tapping me, and it's Ellie.

"He says it's time to go." She tells me. I nod and sit up from the chair. I hear Henry talking to Sam.

"Now we're gonna be moving fast. So no matter what, you stick to me like glue." Henry directs.

"Like glue." Answers Sam.

"Like... glue."

"Got it."

"Good. Good." Ellie and I walk to them and Henry turns to us. "Alright, y'all ready?"



Alright guys I'm gonna have to end this chapter here. Haha. Chapter 34! Looks like there's some temper going on between Henry and Joel, yeah? Two updates in one day you're welcome. I wasted like so much battery percent on my phone and iPad lol. Chapter 35 is gonna be up tomorrow. Now I have to shower and I already did my homework yay. Hope everyone has a good day at school tomorrow. I know I won't. Except I get a late start tomorrow yay!!! I start and hour later but then I have volleyball tryouts after school. So I'll update around 5 central like I said. But for now...





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