Chapter XXX

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Joel's POV

We walk through another broken window and jump down.

"Whoa... this is fancy. Ever stay in a place like this? Before it all went to shit, I mean."

"Nah, this is too rich for my blood." I walk through a room.

"I bet we could get up there." I walk around the hotel that has a lot of water on the bottom. I walk through something and loot a couple of things. I look at a coffee machine.

"Ahhh, I really miss coffee." I walk around some more and I pick up a ladder. I set it down against a wall, since the building isn't finished it leads to a platform.

"Come on up." I assure. Ellie climbs up the ladder.

"Okay, we need to lighten the mood. Ready?" Ellie asks and pulls out a book. I walk to her. "It doesn't matter how much you push the envelope. It'll still be stationary."

"What is that?"

"It's a joke book. 'No Pun Intended: Volume Too by Will Livingston.'"

"Let's keep going."

"I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist." I walk up some stairs and get to a flight where there's only half of the steps.

"Watch your step." I jump over a window. I hear some Hunters talking. "Oh shit. get down, get down."

After killing a couple of guys, I finally reach some stairs and I walk up them, and see another Hunter, so I strangle him. There's more.

I kill a whole bunch of them, and walk up some more stairs. "Hey. It looks like there's a ladder inside this elevator." Ellie points out.

"Hold up. Let me try to open it." I walk to the elevator and pry open the doors with my hands. I get them open and I get onto the elevator, and climb the ladder. "Let's see where this goes." I walk to a small opening between a gate and the wall. "It's gonna be a tight fit but come on." I squeeze through it. Ellie pushes the ladder down.

"Just in case." Good thinking Ellie. I jump down onto the top of an elevator. Ellie squeezes through and jumps onto the elevator after me.

I walk to the wall and crouch down. "You find me something to climb on. Okay, here we go." I say as Ellie climbs onto my hands.


"Here we go.." I push her up and the elevator shakes, makes a violent creaking sound, "Oh shit!" The elevator breaks, making me plummet down and fall into some water. I swim up.

"Joel!" Ellie yells.

"I'm alright!" I shout, swallowing hard. "Are you okay?"

"No! You scared the shit outta me!" I swim around. "I'm... I'm gonna climb down there, okay?"

"No! Stay up there. I'll make my way up to you!" I walk away. "I'll try."


Another filler chapter. (Chapter 30) I need to stop making short chapters because it'll just make the book longer, which is exactly what I DONT want to happen. But, oh nooo! They got separated! Will Joel ever find Ellie? I'll try and update again, but if I can't don't hate me. Or I might update another one of my books.



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