Chapter XLII

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Joel's POV

We walk up the grassy hill and I see a sign.

"Jackson County. Means we're close to Jackson city, right?" Ellie questions.

"Shouldn't be more than a few miles." I answer her and we keep walking.

"You ready to see dear, old brother?"

"I'm just ready to get there."

"You nervous?"

"I don't know what I'm feeling." I walk along the trail.

"So much for this road." I keep walking forward.

"Just follow the river, it'll lead us straight to Tommy's. C'mon." I walk forward but realize it's the wrong way. I turn back around and hop down the hill. I turn around and walk.

"What happened between you two?"

"What do you mean?"

"You and Tommy.. you're not together, so clearly something went down." I hop down again.

"We just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all."

"Oh here we go... So what was it about?" I walk forward then hop down again, close to the river and I walk forward.

"Tommy saw the world one way, I saw it the other."

"And that's why he joined the fireflies?" Ellie hops down after me.

"Yeah, your friend Marlene promised him hope." I keep walking forward and I hop down again. "That kept him busy for awhile, but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too." I keep walking forward.

"How was it, the last time you saw him?"

"I believe his last words to me were 'I don't ever want to see your god damned face again.'"

"Jeez. But he's gonna help us?"

"I suppose we're going to find out."

"Well, with or without his help, we'll get there."

"Let's just keep going."

I walk forward and I come to some rocks, I lift myself up onto one, then another. I keep walking forward and I go up a hill.

"Whoa, what's that?" Ellie asks.

"That right there is a hydroelectric power plant." I answer.

She giggles. "A... Hydra who?"

"It uh... uses the rivers movement and turns it into electricity." I walk forward and walk up some stairs, then some more, then some more.

"How's it do that?" I walk to a door and I use a shiv to open it.

I sigh. "Look, I know what it is, I don't know how it does it."

"All right... How are we getting across?" I walk into the room and I pick up some arrows, some pills, some gears, some ammo, even some ammo for a gun I don't have. I walk out and I turn a wheel. It lifts up one of the metal things that leads us across.

"Well, that gets us half way." Ellie says. "If we get the other one up, we'll make it across." I lift myself over a railing and land on another part of the power plant, then I jump into the river.

"I'll find something. Just hang tight." I say and I dive underwater. I see a shack under water so I swim deeper, go into the shack, and push a pallet and it goes to the surface. I swim out of the shack and come up. I grab the pallet and I swim it to Ellie.

"All right, Ellie. I need you to-" I start.

"I know, step on the.. fucking pallet." I push it to her and she gets on. I swim it to the other platform and she pulls herself up. I swim to the opposite one, lift myself up and wait for her.

"Go on, give it a spin." She starts turning the wheel and it makes the metal thing come up. I start walking across.

"Hey, be careful crossing that thing."

"I will." I walk across.

"Teamwork." She puts her hand up for a high five, I look at her hand and then give her a high five. "Yeah." I walk straight and up some stairs. "Aughh I'm so hungry."

"I know, I am too."

"All right, next squirrel I see, I'm totally shooting it.

"Let's get past this place, then we can scrounge up some food."

"Well, if I starve, you're responsible." I hop down once, and then again.

I walk straight and hop over a log and I see Sams grave.

"That's too small of a grave." I say.

"I forgot to leave that stupid robot on his grave. What should I do with it?"


"What? I want to talk about it."


"Why not?"

"How many times to we need to go over this?" I look at her. "Things, happen... And we move on."

"It's just..."

"That's enough." I put my hand up as if to make her quiet.

She sighs. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"Let's get to Tommy's." I walk back the way we came, wonder around a little and I go under a tree and see a small building and there's a gate.

"Uh... Should we head in?"

"Ah, ain't no way around. Gonna have to cut through the plant." I walk into the little building and loot some things. I see a new gun and I pick it up and examine it. El Diablo. Awesome.

I walk to a wooden gate and I try and open it. I hear some guns clicking and Ellie and I look up.

"Don't even think about reaching for your weapon." A woman says and Ellie gets her gun. "Tell the girl to drop hers. Now."

"Ellie, do as the lady says." I instruct and she does putting her hands up.

"Okay." Ellie answers.

"Please tell me your lost." The lady speaks again.

"We didn't know the place was occupied." I respond to her. "We're just trying to make our way through."

"Through to where?"

"They're alright." I hear a man say and I turn my head to look at him. Tommy.


Chapter 42. YAAAAY it's Tommy!! I love him so much OMG he's a joy. So they almost got their heads blown off. Haha. Writing chapter 44.





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