Chapter XVII

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Joel's POV

"It's right around this corner. C'mon." Tess points out. We walk forward.

"Let's keep moving, kid." I say to Ellie. We walk down some stairs, and then some more. We get down and I see a dead person in the corner and I walk to him, taking a piece of paper and some ammo. "Look at this." I say

"There's a Firefly logo on his arm." Ellie points out. "What if we get there and they're all dead?"

"They won't be." Tess interrupts.

" do you know?" Ellie asks.

"I just do. Look. It's gonna be fine."


"It has to be." I walk to a dumpster and pull it to a platform. I hop up onto the dumpster and then onto a small wooden roof. I walk across and jump down followed by Tess and Ellie.

"There we go." I say and follow Tess. "Home stretch, Tess." I see some water and it seems to have flooded a street.

"Um... just so it's out there, I can't swim." Ellie assures us.

"It looks like it's shallow on the right side. Follow me." Tess responds. We both follow her.

"I'm glad Marlene hired you guys." Here it goes, Tess and Ellie's own conversations.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you guys are getting paid for this but - I'm trying to say thanks."

"Yeah, sure thing." We walk through the water and onto the steps of the Capitol building, we walk up them to the door of the Capitol building and go in.

"No." Tess says running to a dead body. "No, no, no."

"What happens now?" Ellie questions looking at me. I walk to Tess who is panicking, checking the body.

"What are you doing, Tess?" I say and walk to her.

"Oh, god." She answers. "Maybe they ah, maybe they had a map or something to tell us where they were going."

"How far are we gonna take this?"

"As far as it needs to go." She keeps searching the body. "Where was this lab of theirs?" She looks at Ellie.

"Oh, she never said." Ellie answers. "She, only mentioned that it was someplace out west."

"What are we doing here?" I interrupt. "This is not us." Tess stands up.

"What do you know about us?" She asks looking at me. "About me?"

"I know that you are smarter than this."

"Really?  Guess what, we're shitty people, Joel it's been that way for a long time."

"No, we are survivors!"

"This is our chance-"

"It is over, Tess!" I raise my voice. "Now we tried. Let's just go home."

"I'm not... I'm not going anywhere." I look away from her. "This is my last stop." I look back at her. Last stop?

"What?" She shakes her head and looks away.

"Our luck had to run out sooner or later." What the hell is she talking about?

"What are you going on about-" I reach for her.

"No don't- don't touch me."

I hear Ellie. "Holy shit." I look at her. "She's infected."


Short chapter ahah! Oh no Tess is infected. What now?



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