Chapter XLVII

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Joel's POV

I focus my hearing and there's a lot of them. I got this.

I sneak up on one and I stab it with a shiv and I'm in a dorm room. I turn my flashlight on and I loot a little, and there's another clicker in the room next door. I sneak up on him and I stab him with a shiv too. I look straight and there's on right there. I throw a bottle and it gets distracted and walks to the other room, another one walks into the room. I sneak up on him and use a shiv on him too. I walk to the next room and shiv the other guy and I pick up some arrows. When I focused my hearing I noticed there was a bloater.

I retrace my steps and I first shoot the bloater with my rifle. I then throw a Molotov at him. I shoot it again with my rifle and it throws a spore bomb at me right as I jump through a window into another room. I shoot it again with my rifle and I hop through another window before it gets to me. He walks out the door and I shoot him with my Shorty, and he dies. Boo yah. He dropped a firefly pendant and I pick it up. Now I gotta go back to Ellie. I loot a little and I walk around and get to a long hall. I try and open a door but it's blocked. Shit... I push on the door and it opens. I slip through and push the thing back in front of the door. That should hold. I walk up 2 flights of stairs and get to a pair of doors and I open them then shut them, and I take my gas mask off.

I walk down the hall, looting the dorm rooms as I go, I turn left, and I go through some more doors that lead outside and I see Ellie on the other side of a gate.

"Joel! Are you okay? What happened in there?" She asks me as I walk down some stairs.

"More infected. I'm fine!" I answer her reassuringly.

"Here - come open the gate." I walk towards the gate but I grab a cart with a generator on it and bring it to a cable box that opens the gate. I attach a cable to the generator and I pull the generator three times and it turns on.

"Alright, try the gate." Ellie presses the button on the other side and the gate lifts.

"You did it!"

"Yeah." She gets on Callus. "Come on through." She walks Callus through and I hop onto him in front of Ellie. We ride straight.

"Those clickers - you think they were fireflies?"

"No... No I don't think so." We turn left and keep going straight.

"Why would they have infected so close to the lab?"

"Bill used them as a form of defense. Maybe they're doing the same."

"Yeah... I could see that." I turn and go through an open gate.

We turn right and go forward and hop over something. We keep riding straight but turn left.

"No guards, no nothing." Ellie says.

"Yeah... I'd expect to see someone by now." I walk up the stairs of the Science building but it's blocked by construction.

"Let's get inside." I turn left and keep going straight, then hop over something. I go down a street and there's a gate blocking out entrance.

"Hey, what about over there?" Ellie asks pointing somewhere. I look where she's pointing.

"Yeah. That looks like a way in." I get off Callus and push on the gate. "It's rusted shut. We'll have to find another way."

"Maybe we can get over it." I look up and shake my head. I walk around for a while and I find a dumpster. I grab it and bring it back to near the gate. I get to the hill and I loose my grip on he dumpster, it slides down the hill, and crashes into the gate, breaking the chain.

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