Chapter II

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Joel's POV

I open my eyes, and I'm laying on my side. We got hit by a car and ours flipped and landed upside down. My thoughts cloud my mind, I think I'm dead. But then I hear a familiar voice

"Daddy? Hey." Sarah shakes me. "Hey!"

"What?" I answer and turn my head and see someone get attacked. I turn to Sarah who's sitting up.

"Get back, baby. Get back." I say reaching for her. "Look. I'm okay." She gets back down and I turn to the window that already has a crack in it. I lift my hands above my head and kick the window once, then a second time, and on the third kick, it shatters. I sit up and slowly inch my way out of the window. I stand up and look around, but I get attacked, I fight with whatever attacked me, before I can do anything,  I see a brick impact its head. I look slightly up and it's my brother, Tommy.

"Dad?" I hear Sarah and I turn to her and kneel down.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here. Come on, gimme your hand." I say. She reaches for me and I pull her out. She stands up and falls but I catch her. "What is it?"

"My leg hurts."

"How bad?"

"Pretty bad."

"We're gonna need to run." I hear my brother, Tommy, say.

"Oh my god." I say and reach for the gun I had and hand it to him. "You keep us safe." I pick up Sarah. "Come on, baby. Now hold on tight."

"Okay." Her grip tightens slightly and were running.

"Daddy, I'm scared." I look behind me and keep running.

"He's dead!" A person in the street yells.

"Joel - watch out!" Tommy shouts and I see an infected reach for someone's leg.

"Just keep your eyes closed, Honey." I assure Sarah. We keep running.

"Oh my - oh my god!" Sarah says, panic in her voice. I look to my side and see yet another explosion.

"Keep runnin'!" Yells Tommy from in front of me, and that's exactly what I do.

Sarah sighs. "Those people are on fire." I look to my side and see another burning building and people coming out of it, burning.

"Don't look, Sarah." I say.

"Okay." We keep running.

"Just keep lookin' at me, baby." There's a fire truck in our way.

"Over here!" Tommy points out and I follow him through an opening.

"We're gonna get out of this, I promise" I assure Sarah. People are running around all over the place. Some run into us, unaware of surroundings. I just keep running. I look forward and see another explosion.

"Get back! There's too many of 'em." Tommy says and we look around. "This way!" Tommy uses his arm to show us where. "Through the alley!" We run into the alley as he opens a gate. "Go!" We run straight and an infected pops out in front of me. I use my arm to prevent him from biting me. Tommy comes up and kicks the infected in the shin, making him fall. Taking out his gun, he shoots the infected in the head.

"Jesus." I say quietly.

"He's dead!" Tommy assures.

"Goddammit." We keep running.

"We're almost there. We're almost there, baby." We run past another fence and I hear Sarah scream.

"They're gettin' through the fence!" Tommy yells, but I just keep running. "Keep going! Find a way outta here!" We run and turn when we see a house. "C'mon!" I look and see infected climbing over the wooden fence.

"Joel!" I hear Tommy scream and I get inside the house. The infected run towards the door and Tommy tries to shut it, but can't because the infected hands are in the way. He turns to us.

"Get to the highway!" He yells, still pushing on the door.

"What?" I question.

"Go - you got Sarah! I can out run 'em!"

"Uncle Tommy!" Sarah yells.

"I will meet you there." I say.

"Hurry!" Yells Tommy and I run out the back door.

"Daddy. We can't leave him." Sarah starts crying.

"He's gonna be fine." I answer and start to go down a hill. "We're almost there." I keep running. I hear an infected running after us.

"They're gettin' closer." I keep running.

"Dad?" I keep running and there's a second infected one chasing us. I just run but then I hear gunshots. Sarah screams and I pull her to me. I pull her away and look at her.

"It's okay, baby. We're safe. We're safe." I turn around and I see there is a SWAT team member holding a gun, and it's pointed right at us.

"Hey!" I yell. "We need help." I start moving forward.

"Stop!" Yells the SWAT team member.

"Please." I beg. "It's my daughter. I think her leg's broken." I slowly and cautiously move forward.

"Stop right there!" The man yells, pointing the light on his gun at us.

"Okay...we're not sick." I say squinting at the light.

"Got a couple of civilians in the outer perimeter. Please advise." The man says into a walkie talkie.

"Daddy, what about Uncle Tommy?" Sarah asks, her voice shaky.

"We're gonna get you to safety and go back for him. Okay?" I say.

The man is still talking. "Sir, there's a little girl." We look at him. "But..." He sighs. "Yes, sir."

"Listen, buddy, we've just been through hell. Okay we just need-" he points his gun at me. "Oh, shit." I say. Turning my back as he starts to shoot, and I fall to the ground loosing Sarah. I turn on my back and I see the man point his gun at me. I lift my hand in front of my face.

"Please. Don't." I look up, and the last thing I see is blood coming from his head and a gunshot.

I look up and see its Tommy, I can slightly hear a little girl choking out breaths. Almost crying.

"Oh, no..." I hear Tommy say and I turn around and see Sarah laying on the ground. I quickly crawl to her.

"Sarah!" I see her hands on her stomach.

"Okay. M-move your hands, baby." I take one of her hands and the other reaches up to touch my cheek. She's crying harder now. "I know, baby. I know." I say and I put my hands on her gun wound. She lets out a shriek.

"Listen to me, I know this hurts baby. You're gonna be okay, baby. Stay with me." I look her in the eyes which are hard to read. "Alright, I'm gonna pick you up." I reach my hands under her and she lets out another shriek. "I know, baby. I know it hurts." I pick her up and she lets out a choked yelp. She's crying even harder, and I finally pick her up, cradling her.

"Come on, baby, please." I say, some of my own tears threatening to come out. "I know, baby, I know." Sarah's cries are scarier now. Tommy walks to us and I look at him. Then I don't hear Sarah's cries anymore. I look at her. Her eyes, dead of any emotion. Her hand losing grip of how tight it is around mine.

"Sarah...." I look at her. Nothing. "Baby..." I then look at Tommy and back at her. Leaning down closer to her. "Don't do this to me, baby. Don't do this to me baby girl. Come on." I rock her, and that's when the tears fall. I start to cry. "No, no, no... Oh no, no, no, please." I pull her closer to me, my nose against her cheek. "Oh, God." I continue to cry. "Please, please, don't do this. Please... God." I look at her. My beautiful baby girl. Dead.



So? How was this chapter? Oh no! Sarah's dead!😭 but who's the girl on the cover of this book? You're just gonna have to read and find out.





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