Chapter V

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Joel's POV

We continue walking around. I walk into a room and spot some extra ammo, I grab it and load my gun. Only two bullets. We continue walking around, looting things. I find a hole in the wall and crouch down, putting my hand behind me to stop Tess. I hear some noises. Tess whispers "Up hear that?"

"Shh, shh, shh." I whisper back. We slowly move forward and crouch behind a wall. I hear the screeches of the infected and I focus my hearing. There's only one in the room. 

"How do you wanna handle it?" I hear Tess barely whisper, I don't answer. I sneak up on the infected, attempting to grab him, but he turns around and lashes at me. I start to attack him and hear bullets fired at him.

I punch him once more, slam his head against the wall, and he dies. I start to run forward and hear another infected running behind me, I turn around and shoot him in the head. A third one comes, and I also shoot that one in the head. Tess and I walk to another door. "Alright, that's all of 'em." Tess says as I open the door.  "Let's hope so." I answer as we walk into a room and pick up three more bullets. "Let's head back into the city." I leave the room and wander around some. Then I come to a set of stairs and I walk up them. I come to the top and there's a huge hole in the wall, leading to the outside. I walk across the plank and out the hole landing on the grass. I take my gas mask off and turn off my flashlight. Tess lands on the ground.

She inhales. "Ahhh...some fresh air." I walk into a pond and out into more grass. "That's the one thing I love about the outside. Fuckin' hate the smell of the city."

"Why don't you ask Bill to get you some of them air fresheners." We're walking through a shallow pond.

"Hey, if they weren't expired, that'd be a good idea." We walk to a brick wall and I see Tess pushing some wood out of the way. We go in.

"Cover the entrance."

"I got it." I say pulling the wood back in place. I follow Tess. We come to a brick wall and I jump up, climbing onto it. We walk forward and come across a gap.

"Damn it. Plank fell down." Tess says as I walk down a ramp. "Be a dear will you?"

I let out a chuckle. "I'll get it." I jump down and pick up the plank. I look up and see Tess standing on a platform.

"Here. Pass it to me." I walk over and hand her the plank.

"It's a bit heavy." I warn.

"I think I can handle it."

"Alright." She brings up the plank. I climb back up.

I get up and Tess sets down the plank across the gap. She walks across it and I follow her. We leave by going through a broken window in the building. We walk down another pair of steps and land on the grass again.

"Let's make sure there aren't any soldiers around." I examine the area and see none.

"It's clear, c'mon." I hop over some concrete and follow Tess. We get to a door and Tess opens it then walks in. "Shut it." I obey and shut the door, following Tess again, walking through another door.

"Pick up that ammo. I'm sure we'll need it." I grab the ammo on the table. Tess goes to another door and knocks on it. A little boy opens it.

"Hey, little man. Make sure the coast is clear." Tess hands him a stack of ration cards.

"No soldiers. None of Roberts men, Yeah?" The kid nods and closes the door.

"You know he's expecting us."

"Well that'll make it more interesting." Tess states. The little boy knocks on a small window. "Good to go. C'mon." We walk through the door and walk past two guys. One says;

"Hey, Tess. Hey, Tess." 

Another one says. "Hey, pretty lady, how you doin' today? I heard you got some merchandise." 

"Not right now, Terrence." Tess snaps.

"No, no, it's good. I got the card."

" You hear me?"

"Okay. I can do that. Don't get all huffy-puffy about it." We walk away and I see some dogs behind a fence and walk to them.

The man standing guard looks at me. "Sorry man. These dogs are all accounted for. Sold out in less than an hour. Try me next week." We continue walking and I pass a bunch of booths full of useless crap.

"You touch it, you buy it." A man warns.

Another guy speaks to Tess.

"Tess, it's been a while. You don't visit us anymore." Tess ignores him.

 I hear some girls arguing and a punch. I walk forward but I'm stopped by a guy sitting down. "Where do you think you're goin'?" He asks. Tess follows me closely behind. Tess rolls her eyes and responds, "Malick. Sit back down."

"Oh, sorry Tess. Didn't realize you two were together. Go ahead." Malick sits back down and the arguing and punching get louder. We continue to walk forward.

"Who's that?" I ask. 

"An old headache. Don't ask." We keep walking and turn. I see a guy leaning against a fence. Tess walks to him.

"I'm lookin' for Robert." She takes out another stash of ration cards and holds them to the guy. "He come through here?"

"Half hour ago. He went back to the wharf. He's there now." The guy motions his head and takes the cards. We walk past him.

I go through another gate and stop when I see some of Roberts men approach us.

"Here we go." I say and we walk forward.

"Let us through." Says Tess. The man in front of the other two speaks up.

"You guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you."

"Our beef isn't with you. We just want Robert. You don't want to do this." Tess answers.

The same man speaks again, "Turn the fuck around and leave now." Tess snaps, "I'm not going anywhere without Robert."

"Bitch, I will bash your skull unless you turn around and get your dumb ass outta here." The man says as he moves closer.

"Fuck this." Tess says and shoots the guy in the head. The other two men turn around and hide.

"Take cover!" I yell as we move behind something.

"You ready?"


"I'm gonna fuckin' kill you!" I hear one guy yell.

"I'll cover you." Tess says. "Get the angle on them." I walk to my left still crouched and I hide behind a crate. I continue and approach the men. I come from where I was hiding and shoot one guy in the stomach. He's still alive but then Tess shoots him in the head. I shoot the other guy in the head.

"Nicely done, Texas."

"You too."


Chapter 5 peoples. There was a lot of shooting eh? Haha. I'm gonna try and update as much as I can tonight. Hope you guys like it.





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