Chapter XXVII

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Disclaimer; they have been driving for a while. The sun is setting and they left when it was well up in the sky.

Joel's POV

We've driven far from the town. Bill hits the side of the truck.

"Alright, this'll do!" He yells to Ellie. "Stop!" Ellie stops the car and Bill hops out, I look back at Ellie.

"Just keep it running, alright?" I ask and she gives me a thumbs up and I get out of the back.

"That girl nearly got us killed." Bill points out.

"You gotta admit - she did hold her own back there."

Bill laughs halfheartedly. "You ain't gonna make it." He walks towards a building. "Oh, oh, ah..." He reaches into his backpack and throws me a flask. "You'd be amazed at how many cars still got gas in 'em."

"Appreciate it. Look, Bill, um, about your buddy back there. Uh... That's a tough deal. And I'm ah..." I sigh.

"We square?"

"We're square."

"Then get the fuck out of my town." He looks at me then turns around and walks to the building. I watch him and walk back to the car.

We've been driving for a while, and it's started to rain. I drive down the street.

"Oh, man." I jump when I hear Ellie speak. I look in the mirror

"Hey, what happened to sleeping?" I ask.

"Okay," Ellie says sitting up. "I know it doesn't look like it, but this here is not a bad read." She shows me a comic. "Only one problem. Right there." She points to a page. " 'To be continued' I hate cliffhangers."

"Where did you get that?"

"Uhh, back at Bills. I mean all this stuff was just lying there."

I sigh and shake my head slightly. "What else did you get?" She smiles and digs through here backpack.

"Well... Here. This make you all nostalgic?" She hands me a tape.

"Y'know, that is actually before my time." I take it, look at it and laugh a little. "That is a winner though." I put it in the car and some old country music plays.

"Ah, man..." I say and Ellie listens quietly.

"Well, better then nothing." She reaches into her backpack again. "Oh, I'm sure 'your friend' will be missing this tonight." She pulls out a gay porn magazine. "Light on the reading, but it's got some interesting photos." I look behind me at the magazine.

"Now Ellie, that ain't for kids." She turns it landscape.

"Whoa. How.. how the hell would he even walk around with that thing?" She shows me it.

"Get rid of that... just-" I reach for it and she pushes my hand away.

"Hold your horses." She keeps studying the photo. "I wanna see what all the fuss is about." She flips through the magazine. I look back at the road. "Oh. Why are all these stuck together?" I look back in the mirror.

"Um..." I hesitate, not knowing what to say. She starts to giggle.

"I'm just fucking with you." She says laughing. She rolls the window down and let's the magazine go out the window. "Bye-bye dude."

She climbs to the front seat. I clear my throat.

"You know what?" She says, looking at me. "This isn't that bad." She turns up the music slightly and leans back in her seat.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep, alright?"

"Pfft - I'm not even tired."

A while later I'm still driving and Ellie is fast asleep. I move forward and there's a bunch of cars.

"Oh, no, no, no, no." I say. "Well, perfect." Ellie yawns.

"Now what?" I look behind me then in front.

"Screw it." I back up and pull to the left. We drive down past some buildings and I see a guy in the street and I step on the breaks.


The man walks towards the car, holding his stomach. He says; "Please... Help."

"Holy shit..." Ellie says. "Are we gonna help him?"

"Put your seatbelt on, Ellie." I say.

"Help me..." The man says.

"What about the guy?" She asks, looking at me.

"Oh, he ain't even hurt." I step on the gas pedal and speed forward. The guy pulls out a gun and starts to shoot at us. He says something and more guys come out, I hit one with the car and keep speeding forward. We drive forward and a guy throws a brick, shattering the window. We drive and I see a train out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh, not good!" Ellie says blocking her face as the train hits the car in the passenger side making us spin out of control and go right through a metal garage, shattering the windshield.


GUYS CALM DOWN. They're both fine. I just wanted to end the chapter like this. But anyways, chapter 28! I'm gonna start telling the chapters in the A/N cuz some people don't know how to read Roman numerals. Do you like how I added follow to the end of the 'vote comment read'? If not I'll stop. And one thing before I end this I have a joke. Ready?

What does a baby computer call it's dad?

Data HAHAHAHA you have to get it when you read the word 'data' you don't say day-ta to say da-duh






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