Chapter XVI

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Joel's POV

"I'm alive. I'll make my way around to you." I answer but I hear screeching.

"Oh.... Look they're here!" Tess yells and they turn around. "Run. Run!"

"Shit." I say as I lift myself to my feet. I walk and go through what used to be a door. "Tess." I open the door to a room. There's clickers in here. Another great move by Joel! I turn off my flashlight and quietly walk. I walk to where I think I'll be okay but a clicker walks down the hallway. Well, not going that way.

I walk through a room and into another hallway where I see doors and I open them quietly and walk through. I walk up a flight of stairs and down a hall way and open another door and walk in. I see Tess being attacked by a runner.

"Tess!" I yell and she lets out a loud yell and hits the runner with a bat and it falls to the ground but isn't dead. She hits it again and bashes it's head in. She drops the bat.

"I'm fine." She answers breathing fast.

"Guys, get in here!" I hear Ellie yell.

"The girl!" Tess says.

"Shit." I answer and we run through a door and a runner is attacking Ellie. I shoot it in the head but more runners come and I throw a Molotov, lighting three on fire.

I see another one and I hit it a few times with a pipe and it dies. I see another one, punch it a few times and slam it's head against a wall. Another one attacks me and I push it off of me, followed by me shooting it's head. There's another one and I punch it, and it falls to the ground. I then step on its head, bashing it in. We walk to a different part of the room and I kill one more.

"That was too damn close." I say out of breath and patch myself up. I follow Tess and Ellie and hear Tess.

"On shit." She says out of breath. I walk to her.

"Tess, you holding up okay?" I ask.

"Just a bit winded." She answers. "This way. This'll get us to the roof." She jumps through a window and I talk to Ellie.

"How 'bout you kid? You okay?" I question.

Ellie sighs. "Define okay."

"Are you still breathing?"

"Do small, panicked breaths count?"

"Yeah, they count."

"Alright. Then I'm okay." We go through the window Tess went through and jump up onto some stairs that are broken. I walk up 2 flights of stairs.

"We gotta find a way across." Tess assures. "There she is. That's our building." I look out to the distance and see the Capitol building. I walk around and pick up a plank of wood and set it across a gap.

"Alright. Now watch your step as you're going up 'cause it's going to be a little-" Ellie goes in front of me and gets on the plank.

"Pssh." She says and walks across.

I walk across after her, and then Tess comes after me and I see Ellie looking somewhere.

"Well, is that everything you hoped for?" I ask.

"Jury's still out." She answers. "But, man... you can't deny that view." I let out a soft laugh.

"Come on, this way." Tess says and I stand there with my arms crossed looking down. Tess turns to me. "Hey! Pick it up." I look at her then walk to her as Ellie climbs down a ladder. "Look, we're almost done. Stay focused."

"Yes ma'am." I say slightly shaking my head. Why is Tess so moody all of the sudden? Tess climbs down the ladder and I follow after her glancing behind me at the Capitol building.


Lol hai guys. You know what I've realized? I'm not really good at fighting scenes, so I was thinking of maybe not doing them. But then again, the book wouldn't be so good. And when you read the fight scenes I know it's bad you don't have to tell me, just saying. Hopefully I'll get better though.





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