Chapter VIII

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Joel's POV

"Ellie...." Marlene says.

"How do you know them?" Ellie questions.

"I was close with his brother, Tommy. Said if I was ever in a jam I could rely on him." She looks at me.

"Was that before or after he left your little militia group." I ask.

"He left you too. He was a good man." Tess walks over to me.

"Look, just take her to the north tunnel and wait for me there." I roll my eyes.

"Jesus Christ." I say.

"She's just cargo, Joel." I turn my back and I hear Ellie.


"No more talking." Answers Marlene. "You'll be fine." Marlene gets up. "Now go with him." I look at Tess.

"Don't take long." Then I look at Ellie. "And you - stay close." I start walking away and notice Ellie isn't following me.

"Let's go." I hear the door open and hear footsteps behind me.

I walk outside.

"Whoa.... I heard all the shooting, but..." Ellie murmurs. "What happened?" We walk past the dead bodies on the ground.

"The Fireflies. Same things gonna happen to us if we don't get off the street." I walk to a body and I pick up a Firefly Pendant.

"You're the pro. I'm just following you." I keep walking and go down some stairs. I see some trucks and hear an announcement but I ignore it. I get down low and keep walking. I see a subway and I walk down.

"Down here." I walk around and up some stairs. "C'mon. Keep up."

"I am." I stay low and walk. There's a fence in front of me.

"Where are we going?"

"Up there, that'll get us to the north tunnel." I walk to a ledge that has no way to get up.

"How are we supposed to reach that?"

I sigh. "Just gimme a minute." I walk around and see a dumpster. I grab it and pull it so we can reach the edge.

I jump up on it and then jump up onto the ledge and I wait for Ellie. I walk up some steps and into an apartment hall.

"This tunnel. You use it to smuggle things?"


"Like illegal things?"


"You ever smuggle a kid before?"

"No. That's a first." I wait for Ellie. "So what's the deal with you and Marlene, anyways?" She finally catches up to me.

"I don't know. She's my friend, I guess."

"Your friend, huh? You're friends with the leader of the Fireflies. What're you, like twelve?"

"She knew my mom, and she's been looking after me. And I'm fourteen, not that that has anything to do with - anything."

"So where are your parents?" We walk down a hall.

She sighs. "Where are anyone's parents? They've been gone a long, long time."

"Hm. So instead of just staying in school, you just decide to run off and join the Fireflies, is that it?"

"Look. I'm not supposed to tell you why you're smuggling me if that's what you're getting at." I stop and look at her.

"You wanna know the best thing about my job? I don't gotta know why. Be honest with you, I could give two shits about what you're up to." I turn around and keep walking. She follows.

"Well great."

"Good." We continue walking down a dark hall and then through an archway, and into another hallway. I keep walking down and get to the end of the hall to a door, opening it and walking in.

"This is it." Ellie walks in after me and I shut the door. I walk to the couch, brushing off some dust before I lay down. Ellie just walks around. She stops and turns to me.

"What are you doing?"

"Killing time." I say putting an arm behind my head and closing my eyes.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?"

"I am sure you will figure that out." I hear her footsteps.

"Your watch is broken."

"Pfsch." I say before drifting off into a deep sleep.

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