Chapter LVIII

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Joel's POV

I walk for a while and lift myself onto a truck when I see a bloater. Time for another stealth mission.

I shoot two of them with my bow who were in my way and I jump onto another truck, then go down and there's a clicker. I throw a brick and it goes for it and I keep walking, picking up some ammo for my flamethrower. I walk around and go into a building and loot a crap ton of stuff. I walk up some stairs and there's a zombie right there. "Oh, fuck." I say, trying to hide how scared I am. I sneak up to him and strangle him. I use my flamethrower on the other two. I loot some more and walk out of the building.

There's a runner right in front of me and I shoot it with my arrow. I shoot the clicker with my arrow but it doesn't die so it makes the screeching noise and alarms the two bloaters and the other infected. I throw a nail bomb and it blows two infected up and then I throw a Molotov at one of the bloaters. It ignites it in flames and it killed off a lot of infected. I shoot one that's alive with my arrow. I jump down and I walk to where the bloater went. I throw another Molotov at the bloater. I shoot it with my El Diablo and then with my shorty and it dies. I walk to a truck and bend down. Ellie gets on my hands and I lift her up. "Okay." She says. "Look out below!" She pushes a wooden crate down. I get on it and then on the truck and jump down.

"We're good. I don't think they can reach us now." I explain.


"Hey, watch your step. That water looks pretty deep."

"Hey, that's what we can do once we're done."

"What's that?"

"You can teach me how to swim."

"You got it." I dive under water and swim through a bus then come up. "I'm on the other side!"

"Cool. Drop that ladder down for me!"

"All right- hold on." I lift myself onto the broken cement and climb up the pile of if and get on the truck. I walk to the fire truck and I get the ladder, then drop it down so Ellie can climb it.

"All right. Just stick to the edge. It's shallow over there." I get down from the truck and stay on the side where the water is shallow, Ellie following me.

"Oh. It's freezing!" She complains. We walk up some stairs and there's a fence. I shake it and it doesn't budge. I walk to where I can lift her and I bend down.

"Alright, gimme your foot."

"Okay..." She gets on my hands and I lift her.

"Come on..." I push her up. "Get that door open." She climbs over and lands on the ground, then I hear a clicker. "Look out! Ellie!" The clicker grabs her, she fights with it and I shoot at it a couple of time wasting my ammo, and finally it dies. "You okay?"

"Yeah. It just surprised me." She walks to the gate. "Man, I can't wait for those things to be wiped out." Ellie opens the gate and I go through.

We walk up some steps and I loot. I walk up more stairs and try and open a door but it's locked. I use a shiv to open it and walk through. I loot a lot and take some pills then exit and go under pipes that fell. I walk through a door and see Ellie.

"Hey, look. There it is." She points out and I see the hospital. I go into the water.

"Just stay put."

"I'm not goin' anywhere." I dive under and swim through two doors then come up. I lift myself onto a platform and then onto an air duct. I keep walking and I hop off and squeeze through some pipes. I see a platform and I push it over the railing. "You made it! All right, come on, get me across." I jump over the railing and fall into the water making a big splash. I then come up and grab the pallet, pushing it to Ellie. "Alright, get on."

"Okay..." She gets on it. "Okay there. I'm on it. Be careful."

"I gotcha." I push her to a platform and she gets up, and walks up some stairs to the ladder. She let's it down and I start climbing it but it breaks and I catch the ladder. "Whoa!"

"Wha...what just happened?"

"Damn ladder broke of the wall."

"Now what?"

"I'll figure somethin' out." I put it against the other wall and climb it. Then I grab it again, and set it down on the right and climb down. I pick it up again and lay it across the gap.

"Oh, I see... Good idea." Ellie assures me and I walk across the ladder. We walk up the steps and across a balcony. Ellie stops at the end. "Oh geez.."

"Just let me go ahead and you follow my lead."

"Okay, right behind you." I look at the water. Rapids. I walk across the air duct and onto a truck. I keep going forward. I walk across the duct and onto another truck and I lift myself onto a higher truck, then on the same duct.

"Okay. Come on - jump." I turn to Ellie.

"You're gonna catch me?" She asks me unbelievably.

"I got you." She runs and jumps onto the duct, I reach for her, but she didn't even need me. "See? You didn't even need me."

"Let's get the hell of this thing." We walk along the duct and she jumps down onto a tour bus. I jump down and the whole bus shakes. "Oh, shit."

"Ellie. Ellie- move!" She jumps onto the balcony and I jump after her but it breaks too and the bus gets loose and I'm floating down the water.

"Oh shit! I got it!"

"Joel?! Here! Come on!" Ellie reaches her hand down but the bus gets stuck on something and I fall down in the bus but in the water, the rapids pushing me to he back of the bus.

I grab hold of the bars on the bus and make my way across. I reach the last one but it breaks and I'm pushed to the back. My back slams against it and I don't know what to do. I look around and someone jumps on the bus, breaking a door.

"I made it! I fucking made it!" Ellie shouts.

"Ellie!" I grab the door and I help open it.

"Okay! Open you piece of shit!" The door opens and hits my head making me go under water but I come back up. "Here we go!" Ellie reaches for me. "C'mon let's get you--" the bus makes a loud screeching noise and hits something making Ellie fall. She holds onto the door with dear life. "Oh shit, shit. Joel!"

"Ellie! Ellie gimme your hand! Gimme your hand before-" the bus shakes and goes underwater, throwing Ellie off into the water. I squeeze through the door and I'm pushed forward and I see Ellie floating in the water. I swim towards her and I grab her, I keep swimming and I get to the surface, taking a big gasp of air and pulling Ellie above.

I pull her onto the land and I look at her and put my ear to her mouth, she isn't breathing.

"Come on." I start pushing on her chest. "C'mon. C'mon." I keep pushing, tears threatening to come out of my eyes. I bend down and out my ear by her mouth again and she's still not breathing. I grab her jaw and look at her then push on her lungs again. "C'mon."

"Hands in the air!" I hear a guy say.

"She's not breathing." I look up at the guy and his gun is pointed at me. I keep pressing on her lungs.

"Hands in the fucking air!"

"Come on, Ellie." I'm crying but then I get hit in the head with a gun and I'm out cold.


Chapter 58! Holy freaking crap. It's almost over :( the book is almost over. I don't want it to be over :( ugh :(




And maybe follow?


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