Chapter XXIV

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Joel's POV

After killing another shit load of zombies, Bill talks.

"Well that was easier then I thought it'd be. They must be holed up somewhere else."

"Well let's not test our luck. How do we get inside?" I question.

We walk around a little and come to a bus.

"There's a ladder on the bus. Here, get me up there and I'll drop it to you." Ellie says. I crouch down behind the bus and lift Ellie up. She pulls herself up.

"Don't get killed up there!" Bill says.

"Thanks, Bill." Ellie answers.

She grabs the ladder and sets it down. Bill climbs it and then I follow him.

"We're okay. We just need to get to the hood of the truck." Bill assures. We jump down from the bus. I hear the noises of infected.

"Shit. You hear that? Move it kid!" Bill warns and we run. "Alright, we're gonna get in quick. We're gonna get the battery. We're gonna get the hell outta here."

I run after Bill.

"Oh, fuck! They're piling on this fence over here. It's not gonna hold!" Ellie warns.

"The door's locked!" Bill yells. We run around the side of the school. "We have to get inside to get the battery!" He climbs onto some cement by the window.

"Come on, Bill!" I yell.

"I got it - window's open! Hurry!" He answers and I jump onto the cement and we all pile through the window.

I climb and I almost make it in and a clicker grabs my leg, pulling me. I elbow it and it falls down. Ellie tries to help me.


"Shit." Bill grabs me.

"Alright, come on!" Bill says as he yanks me through the window. The clicker starts to climb through the window and Bill shoots it in the head with the shotgun, making it blow off and have its blood spatter everywhere. Ellie pulls the window closed and looks at it.

"That's not gonna hold!" She yells.

"Bill, make it fast!" I say. I look and the door starts shaking, I look and see a rack. "Grab this!" I yell to Ellie and we push it in front of the door. I lean against it making sure it doesn't fall. "Please tell me your done!" Bill uses the shotgun to open the hood of the car.

"It's empty." He says and Ellie helps me hold the rack.

"What?" I say running to it.

"It's fucking empty!"

"Guys!" Ellie says pushing on the rack.

"Bill, where to?" I ask.

"Uh." He answers.

"Bill - Where!" I practically scream at him.

"Anywhere but here." He says and runs. I pull Ellie away.

"Get ready to haul ass. C'mon."


Chapter 25. This was a filler Chapter. I'll try and update tonight but if I don't, I will tomorrow. I don't have school because it got cancelled! Thank god for winter weather. This winter break has literally been the best. We were supposed to go back on January second, a Thursday, but I stayed home because my mom doesn't go back until the 6th (tomorrow). She said I could stay home either Thursday or Friday after my break and I chose Thursday, so I didn't go on Thursday. Then we had no school Friday because there was a wind chill and it was like -23 outside, and then it was the weekend. And then tonight it snowed like 12 inches and it's supposed to continue until 4:00 a.m and be like 15-18 inches, so I have a snow day tomorrow! I had a 5 day weekend, or more like a 3 week break. Yay!





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