Chapter XL

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Joel's POV

We walk down a hill.

"Hey, look at that. Yep, what'd I tell you, huh?" Henry points out and I see the radio tower. We turn and keep walking.

"Lets find a way around to it." I say. We walk. "How about you, how you holdin' up?"

"Business as usual, right? When I was with Henry, I took out a couple of Infected by myself. You'd be proud." Ellie answers.

"Yeah." We keep walking down the street.

"Oh. Doggies."

"You're gonna want to stay away from those. It's not like it is in the zone. These are wild." We all keep walking and I spot an ice cream truck.

"What is this?" Ellie asks.

"Oh, this is an ice cream truck." Sam answers.

"An ice cream truck?"

"Yeah, Henry told me about these. They'd sell ice cream out of the truck."

"What? No way. Joel?" Ellie looks at me.

"It's true. This thing would drive around and play real loud creepy music and kids would come running out to buy ice cream." I agree with Sam.

"You're totally fucking with me."

"Um-mm. Serious."

Ellie let's out a soft laugh. "Man, you lived in a strange time." I laugh a little.

"Told you so." Sam says.

I walk into a garage and I work on upgrading some of my weapons, a lot of my weapons. I finish and walk out then up some steps. Ellie and I walk into a house and Sam and Henry are outside waiting for us. I walk around and loot a little. I walk downstairs and Henry and Sam are inside and they're arguing. I walk out the door and the dogs are there. They stop fighting and run away. I walk down the hill. I walk and turn and hop up onto a persons backyard.

"Fireflies were here." Henry points out.

"Yeah, by the looks of it." I answer.

"How're we gonna find them?"

"I know a guy. My brother, actually. He..." I pause. "Was, a firefly." I walk around the backyard and they all hop up and follow me. "Last time I heard he was in Wyoming." I walk through a opening in a wooden fence. "We get there, we find him. We find the fireflies. Whaddya say, you in?"

"Sounds like a good plan, man."

I walk through a house and come outside. I walk down some stairs and a sniper shoots at me.

"Oh shit. Get down!" I command and we all hide behind a car.

"Fuckin' sniper..." Henry says. "Did you see where it came from?"

"Somewhere down the street." I look to a house where the sniper probably is. "Alright now... Y'all stay here."

"No." Ellie says looking at me.

"Before you start - I need you guys to keep him busy. I'm gonna go around and see if I can't get the angle on him." I look at them.

"Okay. Hey." Ellie looks at me and I look back at her. "Be careful." I nod my head reassuringly and sprint to some wood. I run to a house and I hop through a window. I hear some grunting and I know it's a soldier. I walk up some stairs and wait at the top for him to come in range. I take out my rifle and shoot him right in the head. I walk to a room upstairs and loot a little, I hear the sniper shout.

"Yeah, hide in that house! See if that helps!" I walk out of the room and back downstairs.

I walk into a kitchen and then out a door and I'm standing on a porch. I'm closer to the house where the sniper is and I hide behind a carpet that's hanging over the railing. I throw a smoke bomb and I hop over the railing, and run to a car and hide behind it. I run to another car and the sniper shoots at me but misses me. I hide behind another car. I move forward and hide behind some wood again. I throw another smoke bomb and hop over the wood, the sniper yells to me;

"I still fuckin' see you!" I decide to avoid where I threw the smoke bomb and I run to the side and hide behind a house, then I go through the window. I walk to the kitchen and hide by a counter and I hear more soldiers.

I kill 4 of them and that's all that I can see in the house. I walk outside and to another house. I walk upstairs and a soldier is there. He comes charging at me and I kill him with my machete. I walk back downstairs, go into another room, hop through the window and I'm on another porch. There are wood pallets and I hide behind one then run to the other and hide behind that. There's four soldiers outside. I take a Molotov and I through it at them and it kills all four of them. I hop over the railing and I run into the house the sniper is in. I walk up two flights of stairs. I walk around and I go into a room, I see the gun but not the guy. I go through where the door is and he attacks me and attempts to stab me with a knife. I fight back with him and push him away, grab the knife, and stab the son of a bitch a bunch of times.

I hear some gun shots outside and I know Sam, Henry, and Ellie are in trouble. I run to the sniper. I start to shoot at the soldiers. I look in the scope and I see the truck drive down the street.

"Oh, no, no, no." I whisper. "Come on, Henry." More soldiers come and I snipe them. There's a few that just come at once. "Dammit." I continue shooting the soldiers and the truck keeps driving down the street. I keep shooting at the soldiers. I see the guy in the truck come up once in a while and throw a Molotov at Sam, Henry, and Ellie. I need to wait for him to come up again. I wait patiently and the guy comes up. I shoot at him and he falls back into the truck lighting the inside on fire with the Molotov and I see him jump out of the truck on fire. The truck swerves out of control and crashes into a house.

"Shit! Oh that was intense." Ellie says from below.

"You alright Sam?" Henry asks.

"Yeah. In fine." Sam answers.

"Thanks, Joel." Ellie says and gives me a thumbs up. They turn to the truck.

"Look at this." Sam says.

"Alright, we did it." Henry assures.

"We should move." Ellie suggests.

"Sam!" I hear Henry say and start shooting. I look and I see and infected person attack Sam. Another attacks Henry and I shoot the one that's attacking Henry, where Ellie shoots the one attacking Sam. "Sam, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Sam answers.

"Are you sure?"

"I said I'm fine." I hear an infected scream.

"'C'mon. C'mon!" Ellie says. I start sniping the infected. I see a clicker climb over a brick wall as Ellie, Henry, and Sam run towards the house I'm in.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no." I try shooting at the Clickers but there's too many of them. I put down the sniper.

"Oh, god." I say and run downstairs.


Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Chapter 40. This chapter was kind of long I guess. I'm gonna work on Chapter 42 right now and then maybe chapter 43-45. I don't know. But it's almost time to meet Tommy and I'm so excited! Tommy is one of my favorite characters from TLOU. After Ellie and Joel. I know I've been writing from Joel's POV throughout the whole book so far except for like once in the beginning of the book I wrote from Tess's POV (May she rest in peace) I'm gonna start using other POV's soon so don't worry!





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