Chapter XXXVII

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Joel's POV

I get into the water and dive under. I see there's a pipe blocking the gate. That's why it wouldn't budge. I swim down and I wiggle the pipe and it comes loose. I swim back up to the surface.

"Henry, give it a shot!" I direct Henry and lift myself out of the water.

"Alright! Here we go!" Henry says and he turns the wheel. He keeps turning it and I see the gate start to rise. "Yep - it's working." I wait until it's out of the water and I swim under it and then walk up some steps. I go through a hole in the wall and I get a few things. I craft a little then walk out of the hole and up a ladder. I see a pallet of wood and I push it over a railing and I hear Clickers. Oh shit. I look down at the pallet as it falls into the water with a splash. The clickers are behind a door. And of course being me I open the door and there's a clicker right in front of me. Holy shit. I turn my flashlight off. There's only two of them.

I kill them both and I see a bed in the sewer. Who would want to live in a sewer? I walk to where a bed is and I pick up some things. One item is a note, it says;

Yesterday I met some people that did not want to shoot me on sight. Shocking I know. We traded some supplies and went on our merry way. They had kids with them and they seemed pretty scared. I almost told them about this place. What if they're like the others? What if...

You know what? I don't care. What's the point of surviving if you don't have someone to laugh at your lame jokes? Tomorrow, I'm going to search for them. See if they want to join me in here.


I walk our of the door and I climb down the ladder.

"Joel!" Henry yells.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"You okay?"

"Yeah! Still in one piece." I get back into the water and I grab the pallet and I swim back to Ellie, Henry, and Sam. I get it to them and Ellie is standing there.

"Oh - this thing again." She says.

"Let's go Ellie." I answer and she gets on.

"Oh, there you go. That's smart." Henry says. I push the pallet over to the other platform that's across the water.

"Ahh I can't wait to get out of this place." Ellie mumbles. I push her to the platform and she pulls herself onto it.

"Alright, see if that generator still has some juice." I tell her.

"Here goes nothin'." She answers and I stay in the water and Henry and Sam are on a thing that moves across the water, I don't know. They move across the water to Ellie and hop off.

I swim to the wall and I wait for Henry. He's standing on the platform and he bends down and extends his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up.

"I gotta say. I'm impressed with you two." Henry says as I get onto where they are.

"Psshhh.. We're pros at this by now." Ellie points out. We walk along a corridor, still in the sewers. We get to the end of the hall and there are two doors and painted around it is a castle.

"Uhh.. What's up with this?" Ellie questions.

"You think there's people inside?" Sam asks.

"Maybe." Henry answers.

"Are we really going in there?" Ellie asks.

"No other choice." I respond and open the door, a crate falls and bottles fall out and shatter on the ground. "Oh shit." I say backing up a little.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Henry says. "It's a sound trap."

"A what?" Ellie questions.

"It's some sort of alarm." I answer.

"I don't hear anything."

"Someone used to live here. Don't look like that's the case anymore."


Chapter 37! Still in the sewers. Blah. I really just want you guys to meet Tommy. Almost that time though. Eeee. That's when I think the game gets interesting, after Tommy's. But it's an interesting game throughout. I really don't want to end this book, I don't know what I'm gonna do after it's finished. Yikes. I hope you liked this Chapter and I'm working on another update right now. You guys should go check out my friends book "Obsessive Possessive Mate." It's really good.





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