Chapter LVI

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Joel's POV

I walk around outside. I need to find Ellie. I walk around the outside of the street, hiding behind cars. I keep walking, and I see men in the streets but they can't see me because of the snow. I shoot a guy with my arrow and continue going forward. I take my arrow back and turn and go through two brick walls. I patch myself up again. I walk through a door and I shut it behind me. I turn on my flashlight and I see a backpack. I walk to it and pick it up. Ellie's backpack. "What is this? Why is Ellie's stuff here?" I mumble. I walk through some plastic and I see dead bodies hanging, it startles me and I fall back. "Oh Christ. I gotta find her. I gotta find her."

I get into a room and I walk to a door and open it. I see a burning building. "Holy shit. Ellie..."

Ellie's POV

I'm still lying on the ground and I turn on my stomach. I look straight and I see David's machete under something. I start to crawl towards it, but David comes to me and kicks me in the stomach, making me fall.

"I knew you had heart. Y'know, it's okay to give up. Ain't no shame in it." I start to slowly army crawl towards the knife and I hear David's creepy chuckle. "I guess not." I keep army crawling. "Just not your style, is it?" He kicks me in the stomach again and I fall on my side. He pushes me on my stomach and I feel him straddle me. He's holding my arms down. "You can try beggin'"

"Fuck you." I say, my voice scratchy. He flips me on my back, still straddling me and he clasps his hands around my neck.

"You think you know me? Huh? Well, let me tell you somethin'." I start to move back, reaching for the machete. "You have no idea what I'm capable of." He tightens his hands around my neck and I grab the machete and swing it at him, making him fall.

I straddle him and I slam the machete down on his face over and over again.

"Ellie!" I her someone scream and grab me. "Stop. Stop!"

"No! Don't fucking touch me!" I scream and he pulls me back.

"Sshh. Sshh."

"No -"

"It's okay. It's me. It's me." He turns me around so I'm facing him and I avoid looking at him. "Look. Look." He takes my face in his hands steadying me. "It's me."

"He tried to-" I say and he pulls me into a hug.

"Oh, baby girl.." He keeps me held close to him. "It's okay. It's okay."

"Joel..." I say, crying.

"It's okay now." He keeps hugging me, then pulls away and he talks to me but I don't catch what he's saying because I'm too distracted. He's here. Joel is here.


Ahh. So many feels. Chapter 56! 




And maybe follow?


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