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Joel's POV

"Who would stay in here?" Sam questions.

"Well, someone who thought they could keep a place like this safe." Henry responds.

"Ugh." We all lift ourselves over a table and keep walking forward. I stop at a desk and there's a gun. Oh hell yes. I pick it up. Shorty. Sweet. We keep walking forward. I loot some things and I hear Ellie and Sam talking.

"Hey, Sam. Stand by those posts over there." Ellie says.

"Okay." Sam answers and I see Ellie kick a ball to Sam and he catches it. "Oh... Henry did you see that?"

"Let's keep it down, buddy, okay?" Henry answers.

"Yeah." Sam responds. "Sorry." I turn around and go back the way we came but go down a different hallway. I hear a screech.

"You hear that? Infected." Ellie points out.

"Shh, sshh, quiet." I say and I walk to a gate. I grab the handle and open it slowly but it makes a small screech. I walk down some stairs and infected attack us.

Henry, Sam, Ellie, and I kill some.

"Well, I guess we know what happened to these people." Ellie points out.

"Seeing how there was a clicker, they've been gone for awhile." I answer her and walk down the stairs.

"We keep moving forward. All we can do is hope that there aren't any more of 'em." Henry says. "Doubtful, I know." We walk across some water and up some stairs. I walk into a room and loot a little and pick up another note, it says;

Hey Susan,

I just wanted to drop you a quick line and say these rain-catchers were a great idea. Super smart to gather water without leaving the place. I hope you don't mind, but I gave the kids a couple of water guns. So of course... I've been drenched all day.

If you don't want them to have it, let me know and I'll take them back.

See you at dinner tonight. Fair warning though, Kyle is making his special "meatloaf" again.


I walk back down the stairs and I hop over another table, followed by Henry, Ellie, and Sam. I walk up a couple flights of stairs and loot some more. I walk through a door and it looks like a kids room. I pick up a note, it says;

We're trapped. I think everyone else is dead. Some of the little ones are with me. I got infected pounding at the door. I don't know how long we'll hold out. If Ish and the others are alive, maybe they can reach us.

If it comes down to it I'll make it quick.


I look down and I see little kids feet. But they're dead. I look next to them and there's an older mans old, rotted, decaying body.

"Jesus." I say. I back up and look at the ground and there's a message in paint. They didn't suffer. Oh man... I loot some more and I pick up a machete. I walk out of the door and down the hallway. We all walk down some steps and I see a gate type thing.

"Hey. You think that leads out?" Ellie asks.

"Could be. It's too high for a boost." Sam answers. I push open the door and a barrel falls.

"Oh shit." I say.

"Get back!" Henry yells and I turn around and a big metal gate falls down. "Sam!" Henry looks out the little barred window.

Sam and Henry got separated, and Ellie and I got separated. It's Henry and Ellie and Sam and I now. Henry and Ellie are on the other side of the metal gate.

"Yeah. I'm cool." Sam responds to his brother and we walk to the gate.

"That was me." I look at Henry. "I must've triggered some kind of safety gate or somethin'." I admit. "Henry, see if we can lift this." We both reach down and try lifting it up.

"So..." Ellie says to Sam. "This is awkward."

"Yeah, I know. It's like every time-" Sam starts but Ellie turns her head and I hear Clickers.

"Clickers!" Ellie yells.

"What?" I say and get up from lifting the gate.

"Hey, this thing isn't budging, man." Henry says frantically looking around. I lean to the barred window thing.

"Just go, get outta here." I say waving my hand.

"Sam. You stay close to him."

"Henry, we gotta fuckin' move!" Ellie yells.

"You keep him safe!" Henry yells to me.

"Go!" I look through the window and I see a horde of clickers run after Henry and Ellie.


Chapter 38! Wow the next chapter is gonna be Chapter 40. Maybe my wish for there to be no more than 80 chapters isn't gonna come true. I hope you'll still read it if there's that many chapters.. Comment and tell me if you will.





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