Chapter XLVI

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*Disclaimer. Joel and Ellie have been riding a long time to find the university of eastern Colorado. I'm pretty sure they're on the campus.

Joel's POV

We ride the horse around.

"OK. None of these buildings look like a mirror to me." Ellie acknowledges.

"Well, we'll head to central grounds. Should be able to see most of the campus from there." I answer her as we ride forward. We jump over something

Ellie laughs. "That was fun." I keep riding forward. I look at the side of a building and see a spray painted image of the mascot. "That's a big ram. You guys were like some idol worshippers."

I laugh softly. "When it came to sports? Hell yeah." We keep riding forward and we go up some stairs.

"Ooh. It's getting kinda chilly."

"It is that time of year." We keep going forward and I see a building that catches my eye.

"Hey, over there. Is that it?" Ellie asks.

"Hmm. It does look like a giant mirror." I turn the horse and go up two stairs into a building and keep going forward. I duck when we go under a low door.

"How many people you think are there? Fireflies. I mean."

"Reckon it takes quite a crew to run that operation." We keep going forward.

"You think there'll be other people my age?" I turn around a corner and go down a hall.

"Ah... I'm not quite sure." We get stopped by a gate and I hop off the horse. "Stay, Callus." I walk to the gate. "What kind of name is Callus, anyways?"

"Not my fault you forgot to ask Tommy his name."

I laugh softly. "Callus." I walk to the gate and I open it. Callus neighs, almost like a warning. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... What is it boy?" I turn and face Callus. He shakes his head and neighs again. I hear screaming.

"It sounds like runners"

"Stay with the horse. I'll go check it out." I walk out the gate and I close it again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I don't want him runnin' off." I turn to a building. "I'll be right back."

I walk to a desk and I see a weapon. Huh. Looks like someone jerry rigged this thing. I pick it up. A flamethrower. This could come in handy. I loot a little and I walk up two flights of stairs. I walk down a hallway, staying low.

I kill one that's walking into a room with even more zombies. I then take one out with the bow. I have a plan. I shoot one in the head with my gun which attracts other runners. I then use my flamethrower on two of them and one comes and I use the flamethrower on that one. And that's that. I walk to a generator and pull on it, it makes a humming noise and turns on after three pulls. I walk out the room and down two flights of stairs and I'm back outside, I see Ellie opening the gate.

"Hey, I was thinking... I would've wanted to be an astronaut." Ellie assures me. I walk to her.

"That a fact?" I ask as she hops onto Callus, I hop on after her and she smooches back.

"Yeah. Can you imagine being up there all by yourself? Would've been cool. I'm just sayin'." We ride under the gate and to another one. I hop off of Callus, connect a cord, click a button and the gate opens. I get back on Callus. "What about you? What'd you want to be?" We go under the gate and go straight.

"Oh... Well, when I was a kid I used to want to be a... A singer."

She laughs. "Shut up."

"I'm serious." We go up some stairs.

"Sing something."

"Ah... No."

"Come on! I won't laugh."

"I don't think so."

"Joel, pleaasee..." I hop over something and keep going straight. "Aw... are those monkeys?"

"Yeah, a whole mess of them." We stay at the top of the steps. We go down them and the monkeys run away. I go up a couple of more stairs into a building.

I go right and then turn and go straight.

"Hey look, fireflies." Ellie points out. We turn left. "Joel, look!"

I look to where she's pointing and it's a firefly symbol.

"I see it."

"This is good. First sign of fireflies." We go straight but then turn into somewhere and a gate is blocking our way. I get off Callus.

"Alright, let's try this gate." Ellie hops off of him after me and we duck under some wood and go into a building. I loot a little.

"There it is." Ellie says and tries opening something. I walk up some stairs leaving Ellie with the horse, I loot a little and I end up in the dorms. I put on my gas mask and jump down and I hear a clicker. I hide behind something, ready to kill these bitches.


Chapter 46. Yaaaaay I updated! I was gonna update on valentines day but I never did. My knee has been hurting for a long time and I got a knee brace today. I didn't update yesterday because I was out with my family all day. I don't have school tomorrow or Tuesday ahh, it's mid winter break and usually it lasts for a week but this year my district changed it so now it's only two days -__- right? On Tuesday I'm ordering and taking pictures for my passport and I'm so excited! I'll try and update again.




And maybe follow?



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