Chapter L

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Ellie's POV

David gets a blue tarp and puts it over the deer.

"Let's hope they don't find him." He says. "Cover the windows."

"Okay." I answer and I walk to the windows. Let's do this.

"Make every shot count now."

"I've done this before."

We kill a bunch of them but still more come.

"You weren't lying! You're a better shot with that thing than I am!" David tells me. "Gimme a hand with this." He starts pulling a metal locker thing in front of the window and I help him by pushing it. We get it in front of a window but a clicker grabs me from the neck. David takes it's head and shoots it.

"Oh shit." I say.

We kill a bunch more and still more come.

"Screw it. We're getting out of this room." David says. I couldn't agree more. David opens a door. "C'mon, kid!" I walk out the door and we run down a hallway. We walk up some stairs.

"Fucking infected." I say.

"C'mon. I'll block their path." He pushes me out of the way and I'm facing the stairs. "Cover the stairs." I nod and I shoot at the infected coming up the stairs. David pushes a cabinet in front of the door to the stairs and he traps a clicker between the wall and the cabinet, I shoot the clicker and David pushes the cabinet so it's completely in front of the door. He pushes open a different door.

"Follow me. Through here." He says and I do.

"Do you know where you're going?"

"I've never set foot in this place."

"Oh. Great." I follow him.

"It's clear. This way."

"Right behind you." We continue running and we go up some stairs.

"How you holdin' up?"

"You don't need to worry about me." We keep running up some stairs and get to the top. We run along a balcony type thing.

"Alright, stay close." We hop over something and I land on the other side, but it breaks.

"Oh shit!" I say and fall to the ground.

"Hey, kid - you alright?" He asks from above.

"I'm fine." I say struggling to sit up. I see David start backing up.

"Oh shit. More clickers. Get outta there!" He runs and a clicker chases him.

I hide behind something. I focus my hearing and there's a couple of infected. Let's do this. I shoot one in the head with my arrow and then jump down through a hole. I walk and I see a clicker but I sneak past it and climb up a ladder. Theres a clicker and I see someone shoot it.

"You alright?" David asks me, turning the corner and looking at me.

"Oh. There you are." I answer.

"C-mon. Doors this way." He runs and I follow him. We run down a hall. "That was so close." He looks up. "We need to get up there." He's looking at a high platform. "There. That ladder could work." He points to a ladder. I walk to a wall.

"Here. C'mere boost me up." He bends down and puts his hands out.

"Okay, ready?" I nod and I step onto his hand and he lifts me up, I pull myself up.

"Alright. You be quick, and keep a look out for those things." David tells me and I nod. I lift myself onto a balcony type thing. I wander around a little and I loot some things in a room. I then see the ladder and I go to it.

"Alright." I start pushing it. "Here you go." I keep pushing it and it drops.

"Come on." David grabs the ladder and I jump down. He puts it against where we're supposed to be. "C'mon." He climbs up the ladder and I follow him. "Through here." I follow David through a set of doors and down a hall. He shuts the doors and we keep going. "We need to find a way outta here."

"Pssh. Yeah, no shit." I run after him. "Okay, old man." We get into a room and I go up some stairs where it leads to a place with a shit load of loot. I see a dead guy on the ground. "Geez. Looks like someone already fought those things and lost." I start to loot a lot.

"Ah, I've been looking for these guys. Doesn't matter. Grab their gear. Then we'll look for an exit." David states. I craft some Nail Bombs and some Molotov's.

"Get ready." I hear David say and I hear the screams of the infected.

"You hear that? They're on the roof!" I warn and more infected come in. We run back up the stairs to where I found a lot of supplies. We kill a ton more.

"There's more coming!

"How many of these things are there?"

"I have no idea. Just keep at it."

We keep killing a bunch of infected. I hear a loud thump and a loud screeching.

"That doesn't sound too good." David warns and I look and a bloater jumps down.

"It's a bloater!" I shout.

"A what?"

"One of those big fucking guys." The bloater jumps down again, and I throw a Molotov at it as David keeps shooting at some infected. I shoot at it with my rifle and I jump down. The bloater throws a spore bomb at me and I dodge it. It throws another one and I dodge that one also and I shoot at the bloater again and it dies.

"Hey, kid?" David asks.


"You know, I think we did it."

"Like we killed all of 'em?"

He laughs a little. "Don't sound so disappointed."

"More like disbelief." I loot a little more and I walk down the hall to David. He standing and looking out a hole in the wall.

"Listen." I listen.

"No infected."

"No infected." He repeats me and looks at me. "What'd I tell ya?" He chuckles, kind of creepily. "Alright. Let's head on back, check on that buck of ours." He hits my arm and walks away, I look at him and I follow him.


Chapter 50! I finally updated! Sorry I haven't updated like a legit chapter in a while. I haven't gotten the time. But yeah we just had a fighting scene hat was pretty boss. lol. I'm writing another update, because once I update once I can't stop. I might see the movie Pompeii later with my dad! I want to see it really bad. I think it'll be the third movie just my dad and I went to. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for 1.1k. Love you all.




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