Chapter VI

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Tess's POV

"How the hell did he get all these guys?" Asks Joel.

"If Roberts good at one thing, it's writing blank checks. Let's go put an end to that." I say walking down the alley, Joel following close behind. I come across a fence and try and open it.

"Shit. Not goin' through here."

"Alright, c'mon." Joel crouches down and I step on his hands and he lifts me up. I reach down and pull him up.

"There you go."

"Alright." We continue running and I go down a flight of stairs. There's a hole in the fence and we go through it, jumping down.

"Over here, Joel." We hide behind something. "More of Roberts guys." I hear one say; "How do you know they're coming?"

Joel says. "Shit, I see 'em."

The guy speaks again. "Two of our guys died trying to take Tess out. I guarantee that she and Joel are on their way here, right now, to get Robert." Joel and I exchange looks. The other guy speaks.

"Jesus. We shouldn't a taken this job."

"Not our call. Let's spread out and make sure no one's creeping around in here."

I speak up.

"Nice and quiet, Texas." I walk and hide behind something else. I see a guy come around and I sneak up on him, and kill him.

Joel's POV

I see a guy facing away from me and I walk to the side and hide again.

"Move up. Move up." I hear Tess, and I move. I hear some guys.

"I meant to tell you, I was down on Jordan street, and all these soldiers showed up with a group of about five civs, all in handcuffs." I follow Tess. I pick up a health pack.

"You take one out, I'll take the other." Tess says. Another guy speaks.

"Let me guess, Fireflies?"

"Yup they lined 'em up against the wall and bang, bang, bang, they just executed all of 'em." I take my gun and shoot the guy in the head, and he falls to the ground. The other one comes through a door and punches me. I punch him back, take his head, and slam it against the wall. I walk into the room and another guy starts shooting at me. I shoot back, but miss. Then Tess shoots him. I patch the minor scratches up and pick up a key that a guy had dropped.

"Let's search the area." Tess says. I walk around and go into a short hall, and open the door. I hide behind something as I see guys outside of the door. I start to sneak up to the door. I pick up a bottle and throw it at a guy. as he's distracted, I shoot him. Two other guys come out shooting at me. I shoot both of them in the head. We walk into another room. There's one guy walking down the stairs, so I take out my gun again, shooting him. I think I'm safe but another one is shooting at me. I wait for him to come out. He comes out and I shoot him in the head. I walk to a garage that can only be opened by a chain.

"We shoulda brought more people." Tess says.

"They'd just slow us down."

"Yeah you're right." Tess walks to where I am. "C'mon, the docks are this way. Let's do this." I pull on the chain and Tess crouches under it, I follow after. We hide behind some bricks.

"There's our boy" Tess points and I see Robert. He's a tall, slim man with his dark blonde hair ties into a ponytail behind his head. "That cocky son of a bitch."

"Let's go wrap this up." I climb over the bricks and jump down, hiding again.

"Let's be smart about this. There's a lot of 'em." Tess says. I walk over to some barrels and I see a shiv. I grab it and hide once again. A guy sees Tess.

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