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Holy crap guys. Holy crap. Thank you so so so so much for 2k reads! I never thought this would happen. I thought this book would be one of those books that I just write for fun and nobody would like it but wow 2k people enjoy this. It means so much to me that you guys enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy writing. I still can not believe it has 2k. You guys are all so amazing and without your guys support and enjoyment of this book I wouldn't have gotten this far. I am sooooo sorry I haven't updated. I've been really really busy these past few days because volleyball season is still going on and last Wednesday through Sunday I was helping with my sisters show. But now the show is over so I have more free time on my hands, but there's still volleyball. And plus I still need to study and all that for School. Final exams are coming up and I've been studying. So there's another reason why I haven't updated. See I'm in 8th grade and I still need to prepare myself for high school, blah blah. Anyways thank you guys so much I literally love each and every single one of you who reads this book. The next book I'm gonna write after I finish this one is The Last of Us- Left Behind, and then I'm gonna write Tomb Raider, then I'll do Beyond Two Souls. Actually I don't know if I'm going to delete Beyond Two Souls or not since not many of you have like viewed it. What I mean is that The Last of Us- Left Behind has about 30 reads and Tomb Raider has almost 10 I think. I find it shocking though because I haven't even wrote like one chapter for either. Well I did write a prologue for Tomb Raider but whatever. Thank you guys again for 2k. And I'm super sorry this isn't a chapter update. I can't update today, and I can't update tomorrow but I can try on Wednesday. Thank y'all so much. I love you guys.



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